Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1075 .M356 2023 Male femininities / 1
HQ1075 .M36 2013b Man for a day /
Man for a day
HQ1075 .M366 2015 Mapping gendered routes and spaces in the early modern world / 1
HQ1075 .M366 2015eb Mapping gendered routes and spaces in the early modern world / 1
HQ1075 .M369 2000 Configuring gender : explorations in theory and politics / 1
HQ1075.M369 2000 Configuring Gender : Explorations in Theory and Politics / 1
HQ1075 .M37 2016 Mapping gendered routes and spaces in the early modern world 1
HQ1075 .M373 2014eb Introduction to gender : social science perspectives / 1
HQ1075 .M386 2001 Eve's seed : biology, the sexes, and the course of history / 1
HQ1075 .M4 2008 The caveman mystique : pop-Darwinism and the debates over sex, violence, and science / 1
HQ1075 .M4 2008b Against recognition / 1
HQ1075 .M4 2008eb The caveman mystique : pop-Darwinism and the debates over sex, violence, and science / 1
HQ1075 .M417 2011 Making Girls and Boys : Inside the Science of Sex. 1
HQ1075 .M42 2001 Eve's seed : biology, the sexes, and the course of history / 1
HQ1075 .M425 2018 Trans kids : being gendered in the twenty-first century / 2
HQ1075 .M425 2019 Trans kids : being gendered in the twenty-first century / 1
HQ1075 .M43 2018 Trans kids : being gendered in the twenty-first century / 1
HQ1075 .M43 2023 Medieval mobilities : gendered bodies, spaces, and movements / 1
HQ1075 .M433 2020 A Companion to Global Gender History 1
HQ1075 .M46 2001 Men's involvement in gender and development policy and practice : beyond rhetoric / 1