Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HQ1021 .F74 1963 | Geschichte des kanonischen Eherechts, bis zum Verfall der Glossenliteratur. | 1 |
HQ1021 .N59 | Power to dissolve : lawyers and marriages in the courts of the Roman Curia / | 1 |
HQ1021 .T4 1988 | Il matrimonio nel cristianesimo preniceno : Ad uxorem ; De exhortatione castitatis ; De monogamia / | 1 |
HQ1024 .C55 | Previews and practical cases on marriage. | 1 |
HQ1024 S246 2007eb | El matrimonio cristiano / | 1 |
HQ1024 .S5 | Marriage today : a commentary of the Code of canon law. | 1 |
HQ1024 .S6 1972 | Papal enforcement of some medieval marriage laws. | 1 |
HQ1026 | Wiltshire Marriage Patterns 1754-1914 : Geographical Mobility, Cousin Marriage and Illegitimacy. | 1 |
An admonition to all such as shall intende hereafter to enter the state of matrimony godly, and agreeably to lawes. Fyrste, that they contract not to suche persons as be hereafter expressed, nor with any of like degree, against the lawe of God and the lawes of the realm. Secondly, that they make no secrete contractes without consente and counsaile of theire parents or elders ... / The determinations of the moste famous and mooste excellent vniuersities of Italy and Fraunce, that it is so vnlefull [sic] for a man to marie his brothers wyfe, that the pope hath no power to dispence therewith |
2 |
HQ1026 .K87 2009 | Incest & influence : the private life of bourgeois England / | 1 |
HQ1026 .K87 2009eb |
Incest & influence : the private life of bourgeois England / Incest & influence the private life of bourgeois England / |
2 |
HQ1026 .M36 | An inquiry concerning the lawfulness of marriage between parties previously related by consanguinity or affinity : also, a short history of opinions in different ages and countries, and of the action of ecclesiastical bodies on that subject / | 1 |
HQ1026 .P37 1694 | An admonition to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimony godly and agreeably to lavv | 1 |
HQ1026 .T87 | A resolution of three matrimonial cases | 2 |
HQ1028 .B4 1849i | The report of Her Majesty's commission on the laws of marriage relative to marriage with a deceased wife's sister, examined in a letter to Sir Robert Harry Inglis / | 1 |
HQ1028 .C77 1842i | The marriage question, or the lawfulness of marrying the sister of a deceased wife, considered | 1 |
HQ1028 .G35 1886i | Leviticus XVIII and marriage between affines | 1 |
HQ1028 .G66 1849i | The lawfulness of marriage with a deceased wife's sister examined by scripture in a letter to a friend / | 1 |
HQ1028 .J35 1844i | Unlawful marriage an answer to "the Puritan" and "Omicron," who hale advocated, in a pamphlet, the lawfulness of the marriage of a man with his deceased wife's sister / | 1 |
HQ1028 .L78 | A dissertation on the marriage of a man with his sister in law / | 1 |