Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HM636 .T475 2013 |
The body and everyday life / The Body and Everyday Life. |
2 |
HM636 .T644 2006 | Cyborgs and Barbie dolls : feminism, popular culture and the posthuman body / | 1 |
HM636 .T87 2008eb | The body & society explorations in social theory / | 1 |
HM636 .V36 2017eb | Distinctions in the flesh : social class and the embodiment of inequality / | 1 |
HM636 ebook |
El cuerpo : sujeto y objeto / Experiencias performáticas : cuerpo, género y subjetividad / Cuerpos extra/ordinarios : discursos y prácticas somáticas en América Latina y España / Sentidos del cuerpo y cuerpo de los sentidos : instalación de la corporalidad moderna en la Revista Cromos, 1940-1949 / Disciplinas y prácticas corporales una mirada a las sociedades contemporáneas / Cuerpo y comunicación / |
6 |
HM636HT101-HT395HM40 | The Informal City | 1 |
HM641 |
Ideology and international institutions / Lifestyle politics in translation the shaping and re-shaping of ideological discourse / Understanding ideology / Bourgeois ideology and education : subversion through pedagogy / Theories of ideology : the powers of alienation and subjection / |
6 |
HM641 .B35 2003 | Ideology : structuring identities in contemporary life / | 1 |
HM641 .B35 2020 | Consciousness and the neoliberal subject : a theory of ideology via Marcuse, Jameson and Žižek / | 1 |
HM641 .B48 2000 | Antinomies of society : essays on ideologies and institutions / | 1 |
HM641 .D66 2015 | Dominant ideologies | 1 |
HM641 .E875 2024 | Conversations with the turtles : on the ideological conundrums of our times / | 2 |
HM641 F85 2005 | Fukuda Kazuya to "ma no shisō" : posuto modan Nihon juso no teroru bungei / | 1 |
HM641.I32 2002 | Ideology after Poststructuralism : Experiences of Identity in a Globalising World. | 1 |
HM641 .I34 2000 | Ideology and the social sciences / | 1 |
HM641 .I57 2009eb | Institutions and ideology / | 1 |
HM641 .M67 2010 | Understanding ideology / | 1 |
HM641 .M677 2021 | Minds wide shut : how the new fundamentalisms divide us / | 1 |
HM641 .M8 2024 | Ideology and the microfoundations of conflict : from human needs to intergroup violence / | 2 |
HM641 .N67 2021 | Mental immunity : infectious ideas, mind-parasites, and the search for a better way to think / | 1 |