Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG3881.5.I68 A5 2006eb Al servicio de algo mas que un banco : Enrique V. Iglesias, Presidente del BID, 1988-2005. 1
HG3881.5.I84 M44 1989eb The Islamic Development Bank : a case study of Islamic co-operation / 1
HG3881.5 R477 2010 Results and Performance 2010 : the World Bank Group. 1
HG3881.5.S73 S25 2018 State Bank of India's Osaka experience / 1
HG3881.5.W57 Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda /
Foreign aid and market-liberalizing reform
Catastrophe risk management using alternative risk financing and insurance pooling mechanisms /
"Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter" understanding corruption using cross-national firm level surveys /
Economic impacts of China's accession to the WTO
Air pollution during growth accounting for governance and vulnerability /
Measuring the international mobility of skilled workers (1990-2000) release 1.0 /
Trade, capital accumulation, and structural unemployment an empirical study of the Singapore economy /
Why is son preference declining in South Korea? the role of development and public policy, and the implications for China and India /
The economic consequences of health shocks
Local financial development and growth
Labor redundancy, retraining, and outplacement during privatization the experience of Brazil's Federal Railway /
The long-run economic costs of AIDS theory and an application to South Africa /
How can donors help build global public goods in health?
Does Indonesia have a "low pay" civil service
Skilled migration the perspective of developing countries /
Market discipline under systemic risk evidence from bank runs in emerging economies /
China's Accession to the World Trade Organization the Services Dimension /
State bank transformation in Brazil choices and consequences /
How adverse selection affects the health insurance market
Genetically modified rice adoption implications for welfare and poverty alleviation /
Democracy, credibility, and clientelism
Youth at risk, social exclusion, and intergenerational poverty dynamics a new survey instrument with application to Brazil /
Dollarization of the banking system good or bad? /
Rising income inequality in China a race to the top /
Transfer of technology to developing countries unilateral and multilateral policy options /
The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and its Rules of Origin generosity undermined? /
Investment climate and international integration
The impact of remittances on poverty and inequality in Ghana
Trade and employment stylized facts and research findings /
African small and medium enterprises, networks, and manufacturing performance
Estimating individual vulnerability to poverty with pseudo-panel data
Elections, special interests, and the fiscal costs of financial crisis
Are all the sacred cows dead? implications of the financial crisis for macro and financial policies /
Loss aversion and trade policy
The developing world is poorer than we thought, but no less successful in the fight against poverty
Global logistics indicators, supply chain metrics, and bilateral trade patterns
Transportation fuel use, technology and standards the role of credibility and expectations /
On "good" politicians and "bad" policies social cohesion, institutions, and growth /
An analysis of money's worth ratios in Chile
An evaluation of the performance of regression discontinuity design on PROGRESA
The European Union, the World Bank and the policymaking of aid : cooperation among developers /
The World Bank : a Critical Primer.
Hypocrisy Trap : the World Bank and the Poverty of Reform.
Import demand elasticities and trade distortions /
The dynamics of foreign bank ownership : evidence from Hungary /
Mexico : in-firm training for the knowledge economy /
Is there an incipient turnaround in Asia's "missing girls" phenomenon? /
Financial intermediation and growth : Chinese style /
Promotion with and without learning : effects on student enrollment and dropout behavior /
Public finance, security, and development : a framework and an application to Afghanistan /
Is the emerging nonfarm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam? /
Privatization and labor force restructuring around the world /
Supply-side school improvement and the learning achievement of the poorest children in indigenous and rural schools : / the case of PARE /
Does inflation targeting matter for output growth? : evidence from industrial and emerging economies /
China's integration with the world : development as a process of learning and industrial upgrading /
Health shocks in China : are the poor and uninsured less protected? /
Weakly relative poverty /
What drives firm productivity growth? /
Local conflict in Indonesia : measuring incidence and identifying patterns /
Explaining the Migration of Stocks from Exchanges in Emerging Economies to International Centers /
Contractual savings, stock, and asset markets /
Trade, growth, and poverty /
Investing in infrastructure : what is needed from 2000 to 2010? /
Longer-term economic impacts of self-help groups in India /
School attendance and child labor in Ecuador /
More favorable and differential treatment of developing countries : toward a new approach in the World Trade Organization /
Information-based instruments for improved urban management /
Sugar prices, labor income, and poverty in Brazil /
Inside the crisis : an empirical analysis of banking systems in distress /
Financial and legal institutions and firm size /
Globalization and workers in developing countries /
Child labor : the role of income variability and access to credit in a cross-section of countries /
International migration and gender differentials in the home labor market : evidence from albania /
Small enterprise growth and the rural investment climate : evidence from Tanzania /
Evaluating the impact of infrastructure rehabilitation projects on household welfare in rural Georgia /
Low-income countries' access to private debt markets /
Reaching the Millennium Development Goals : Mauritania should care /
From monetary targeting to inflation targeting : lessons from the industrialized countries /
Endowments, location or luck? evaluating the determinants of sub-national growth in decentralized Indonesia /
Does higher openness cause more real exchange rate volatility? /
Voice lessons : local government organizations, social organizations, and the quality of local governance /
To serve the community or oneself : the public servant's dilemma /
China and Central and Eastern European countries : regional networks, global supply chain, or international competitors? /
Decentralization or fiscal autonomy? : what does really matter? effects on growth and public sector size in European transition countries /
Micro-level estimation of welfare /
The debate on globalization, poverty, and inequality : why measurement matters /
The political economy of deposit insurance /
The microeconomics of creating productive jobs : a synthesis of firm-level studies in transition economies /
Does strict employment protection discourage job creation : evidence from Croatia /
The impact of minimum wages on employment in a low income country : an evaluation using the difference-in-differences approach /
Tariff retaliation versus financial compensation in the enforcement of international trade agreements /
Getting real about inequality : evidence from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru /
International survey of integrated financial sector supervision /
Does child labor always decrease with income? : an evaluation in the context of a development program in Nicaragua /
Survey compliance and the distribution of income /
Robustness of subjective welfare analysis in a poor developing country : / Madagascar 2001 /
The epidemiological impact of an HIV vaccine on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Southern India /
Intersectoral migration in Southeast Asia : evidence from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines /
Causes and consequences of civil strife : micro-level evidence from Uganda /
Mainstreaming climate adaptation into development assistance in Mozambique : institutional barriers and opportunities /
Contracting models of the Phillips Curve : empirical estimates for middle-income countries /
The power of information : evidence from a newspaper campaign to reduce capture /
Can fiscal rules help reduce macroeconomic volatility in the Latin America and Caribbean Region? /
The demographic and socio-economic distribution of excess mortality during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda /
Who benefited from trade liberalization in Mexico? : measuring the effects on household welfare /
Immigration to Switzerland - the case of the former republic of Yugoslavia /
Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking, with applications to China and Vietnam /
Financial development, property rights, and growth /
Road infrastructure concession practice in Europe /
Markups, entry regulation, and trade : does country size matter? /
Foreign informational lobbying can enhance tourism : evidence from the Caribbean /
Tariff evasion and customs corruption : does pre-shipment inspection help? /
Main drivers of income inequality in Central European and Baltic countries - some insights from recent household survey data /
Optimal pre-merger notification mechanisms : incentives and efficiency of mandatory and voluntary schemes /
Natural resources and reforms /
Comparing the impact of food and energy price shocks on consumers : a social accounting matrix analysis for Ghana /
School meals, educational achievement, and school competition : evidence from a randomized evaluation /
How important are financing constraints? the role of finance in the business environment /
Ways out of poverty : diffusing best practices and creating capabilities - perspectives on policies for poverty reduction /
Progress in participation in tertiary education in India from 1983 to 2004 /
Strategic approaches to science and technology in development /
Regional integration in East Asia : challenges and opportunities--part I : history and institutions /
Foreign direct investment and integration into global production and distribution networks : the case of Poland /
In pursuit of balance : randomization in practice in development field experiments /
The world trade organization's Doha cotton initiative : a tale of two issues /
Crises, capital controls, and financial integration /
The effects of a fee-waiver program on health care utilization among the poor : evidence from Armenia /
Economic volatility and returns to education in Venezuela : 1992-2002 /
Foreign direct investment in services and manufacturing productivity growth : evidence for Chile /
The business of product innovation : international empirical evidence /
Toward an understanding of household vulnerability in rural Kenya /
International trade and wage discrimination : evidence from East Asia /
Greenfield foreign direct investment and mergers and acquisitions : / feedback and macroeconomic effects /
A review of regulatory instruments to control environmental externalities from the transport sector /
Agricultural markets and risks : management of the latter, not the former /
Migration and human capital in Brazil during the 1990s /
Including financial services in preferential trade agreements : lessons of international experience for China /
Gender, generations, and nonfarm participation /
Schooling and labor market impacts of a natural policy experiment /
Poverty decline, agricultural wages, and non-farm employment in rural India : 1983-2004 /
Labor market policies and unemployment in Morocco : a quantitative analysis /
Small and medium enterprises, growth, and poverty : cross-country evidence /
Do standards matter for export success? /
Transactional sex as a response to risk in Western Kenya
New tools for studying network industry reforms in developing cuntries : the telecommunications and electricity regulation database /
Development Financing during a Crisis : Securitization of Future Receivables /
Are corruption and taxation really harmful to growth? : firm level evidence /
On the conservation of distance in international trade /
Public-private sector wage differentials and returns to education in Djibouti /
High consumption volatility : the impact of natural disasters? /
Refinements to the probabilistic approach to fiscal sustainability analysis /
Rising food prices in Sub-Saharan Africa : poverty impact and policy responses /
Liquidity needs and vulnerability to financial underdevelopment /
Innovative firms or innovative owners? determinants of innovation in micro, small, and medium enterprises /
Supervision of financial conglomerates : the case of Chile /
The structure of lobbying and protection in U.S. agriculture /
Donor fragmentation and bureaucratic quality in aid recipients /
Coordination failure in foreign aid /
Assessing interactions among education, social insurance, and labor market policies in a general equilibrium framework : an application to Morocco /
Productivity matters for trade policy : theory and evidence /
The impact of China's WTO accession on East Asia /
Strategic planning for poverty reduction in Vietnam : progress and challenges for meeting the localized millennium development goals /
Regional integration and technology diffusion : the case of the North America Free Trade Agreement /
Does globalization hurt the poor? /
Creating a 21st century national innovation system for a 21st century Latvian economy /
Boosting productivity via innovation and adoption of new technologies : any role for labor market institutions? /
The use of "asset swaps" by institutional investors in South Africa /
Risks, ex-ante actions and public assistance : impacts of natural disasters on child schooling in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi /
Location decisions and nongovernmental organization motivation : evidence from rural Bangladesh /
Poverty and economic growth in Egypt, 1995-2000 /
Land rights and economic development : evidence from Vietnam /
Combining insurance, contingent debt, and self-retention in an optimal corporate risk financing strategy /
Private participation in infrastructure projects in the Republic of Korea /
Child growth, shocks, and food aid in rural Ethiopia /
Agriculture in the Doha Agenda /
The great proletarian cultural revolution, disruptions to education, and returns to schooling in urban China /
Housekeeping and plumbing : the investability of emerging markets /
Business cycles, economic crises, and the poor : testing for asymmetric effects /
Can student loans improve accessibility to higher education and student performance? : an impact study of the case of SOFES, Mexico /
Bargaining for a new fiscal pact in Mexico /
Local sources of financing for infrastructure in Africa : a cross-country analysis /
Convergence in institutions and market outcomes : cross-country and time-series evidence from the business environment and enterprise performance surveys in transition economies /
The growth of transport sector CO2 emissions and underlying factors in Latin America and the Caribbean /
Can institutions resolve ethnic conflict? /
Boondoggles and expropriation : rent-seeking and policy distortion when property rights are insecure /
Nonfarm activity and rural income inequality : a case study of two provinces in China /
Partisan politics and intergovernmental transfers in India /
Timing and duration of exposure in evaluations of social programs /
Assessing the geographic impact of higher food prices in Guinea /
Leveling the intra-household playing field : compensation and specialization in child labor allocation /
Month of birth and children's health in India /
Trade liberalization, firm performance, and labor market outcomes in the developing world : what can we learn from micro-level data? /
Financing rural development for a harmonious society in China : recent reforms in public finance and their prospects /
Anti-dumping policies and safeguard measures in the context of Costa Rica's economic liberalization /
International financial integration through the law of one price /
Economic growth, income distribution, and poverty in Poland during transition /
Individual and country-level factors affecting support for foreign aid /
Endogenous institution formation under a catching-up strategy in developing countries /
Poverty traps and nonlinear income dynamics with measurement error and individual heterogeneity /
Household welfare and natural resource management around national parks in Zambia /
Aid, shocks, and growth /
Detecting illegal trade practices by analyzing discrepancies in forest products trade statistics : an application to Europe, with a focus on Romania /
Enabling conditions for second pillars of pension systems /
Income-related biases in international trade : what do trademark registration data tell us? /
Credit risk measurement under Basel II : an overview and implementation issues for developing countries /
Diversity matters : the economic geography of industry location in India /
Pro-poor growth : a primer /
Intrahousehold inequality and child gender bias in Ethiopia /
An assessment of telecommunications reform in developing countries /
Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty : summary estimates for a dozen West and Central African countries /
The hidden costs of ethnic conflict : decomposing trends in educational outcomes of young Kosovars /
General trends in competition policy and investment regulation in mandatory defined contribution markets in Latin America /
Efficiency and equity of a marginal tax reform : income, quality, and price elasticities for Mexico /
Simulating the impact of geographic targeting on poverty alleviation in Morocco : what are the gains from disaggregation? /
Evaluating the impact of conditional cash transfer programs : lessons from Latin America /
Making regional cooperation work for South Asia's poor /
The developing world's bulging (but vulnerable) "middle class" /
Pricing irrigation water : a literature survey /
Shaping future GATS rules for trade in services /
Market integration and structural transformation in a poor rural economy /
Comparing mortgage credit risk policies : an options-based approach /
The short and longer term potential welfare impact of global commodity inflation in Tanzania /
On the utility consistency of poverty lines /
Energy demand models for policy formulation : a comparative study of energy demand models /
The gender impact of pension reform : a cross-country analysis /
The social impact of a WTO agreement in Indonesia /
The incentive-compatible design of deposit insurance and bank failure resolution : concepts and country studies /
Will a global subsidy of artemisinin-based combination treatment (act) for malaria delay the emergence of resistance and save lives? /
Alternative paths to structural adjustment in Uzbekistan in a three-gap framework /
The political economy of fiscal policy and economic management in oil-exporting countries /
Bank competition and financial stability /
Location, concentration, and performance of economic activity in Brazil /
Does liberté=égalité? : a survey of the empirical links between democracy and inequality /
Are women more credit constrained? experimental evidence on gender and microenterprise returns /
Does regionalism affect trade liberalization toward non-members? /
Sending farmers back to school : the impact of farmer field schools in Indonesia /
Two decades of reform : the changing organization dynamics of Chinese industrial firms /
A special safeguard mechanism for agricultural imports and the management of reform
Teacher shocks and student learning : evidence from Zambia /
Predicting the poverty impacts of trade reform /
The increasing selectivity of foreign aid, 1984-2002 /
The mini-integrated macroeconomic model for poverty analysis : a framework for analyzing the unemployment and poverty effects of fiscal and labor market reforms /
Financial development and dynamic investment behavior : evidence from panel vector autoregression /
Kenya's quest for growth stabilization and reforms - but political stability? /
The case for industrial policy : a critical survey /
Do community-driven development projects enhance social capital? evidence from the Philippines /
Legal knowledge and economic development : the case of land rights in Uganda /
Individual attitudes toward corruption : do social effects matter? /
Do bilateral investment treaties attract foreign direct investment? : / only a bit ... and they could bite /
The current account as a dynamic portfolio choice problem /
Trade reform in Vietnam : opportunities with emerging challenges /
Does rising landlessness signal success or failure for Vietnam's agrarian transition? /
A road to trust /
Integrating the least developed countries into the world trading system : the current impact of EU preferences under everything but arms /
Exchange rate appreciations, labor market rigidities, and informality /
Assessing the impact of political economy factors on rules of origin under NAFTA /
Decentralization, economic development, and growth in Turkish provinces
Growth without governance /
Populist fiscal policy /
Vocational schooling, labor market outcomes, and college entry /
Creating partnerships for capacity building in developing countries : the experience of the World Bank /
The regulation and supervision of banks around the world : a new database /
Environmental federalism : a panacea or Pandora's box for developing countries? /
Universal service obligations in developing countries /
Health and poverty in Guatemala /
Do donors get what they paid for? micro evidence on the fungibility of development project aid /
International migration, remittances, and the brain drain : a study of 24 labor-exporting countries /
Do minimum wages in Latin America and the Caribbean matter? evidence from 19 countries /
Short but not sweet : new evidence on short duration morbidities from India /
Potential applications of conditional cash transfers for prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa /
Rapid onset natural disasters : the role of financing in effective risk management /
Vulnerability in consumption, education, and health : evidence from Moldova during the Russian crisis /
The returns to participation in the nonfarm sector in rural Rwanda /
The dynamics of poverty and its determinants : the case of the northeast of Brazil and its states /
Cognitive and behavioral challenges in responding to climate change /
Geopolitical interests and preferential access to U.S. markets /
International cartel enforcement : lessons from the 1990s /
How the Location of Roads and Protected Areas Affects Deforestation in North Thailand /
Is debt replacing equity in regulated privatized infrastructure in developing countries? /
Teaching adults to read better and faster : results from an experiment in Burkina Faso /
Processes, information and accounting gaps in the regulation of Argentina's private railways /
Mine closure and its impact on the community : five years after mine closure in Romania, Russia, and Ukraine /
Determinants of choice of migration destination /
Zooming in : from aggregate volatility to income distribution /
How do differing standards increase trade costs? the case of pallets /
Export surges : the power of a competitive currency /
The unbalanced Uruguay Round outcome the new areas in future WTO negotiations /
Governance and economic growth /
Governance of communicable disease control services : a case study and lessons from India /
Human capital and earnings inequality in Brazil, 1988-98 : / quantile regression evidence /
Firms, jobs, and employment in Moldova /
Wind power development : economics and policies /
The home as factory floor : employment and remuneration of home-based workers /
Do market pressures induce economic efficiency? : the case of Slovenian manufacturing, 1994-2001 /
Natural disasters, self-insurance and human capital investment : evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi /
Access to financial services in Colombia : the "unbanked" in Bogota /
Lessons from World Bank research on financial crises /
On the measurement of market-oriented reforms /
In search of the missing resource curse /
Poverty, education, and health in Indonesia : who benefits from public spending? /
Symbolic public goods and the coordination of collective action : a comparison of local development in India and Indonesia /
Does gender matter for firm performance? evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia /
Visible success and invisible failure in post-crisis reform in the Republic of Korea : interplay of the global standards, agents, and local specificity /
(Un)bundling infrastructure procurement : evidence from water supply and sewage projects /
Volatility and Growth /
Telecommunications sector reforms in Senegal /
Global income distribution and poverty in the absence of agricultural distortions /
The impact of the business environment on the business creation process /
The crisis-resilience of services trade /
Recurrent expenditure requirements of capital projects : estimation for budget purposes /
Conflicts of interest in self-regulation : can demutualized exchanges successfully manage them? /
Fungibility and the impact of development assistance : evidence from Vietnam's health sector /
Governance, corruption, and trade in the Asia Pacific region
Gender and poverty : / a life cycle approach to the analysis of the differences in gender outcomes /
Gender wage differentials in Brazil : / trends over a turbulent era /
Incidence and impact of land conflict in Uganda /
Federal politics and budget deficits : Evidence from the states of India /
Earnings mobility and measurement error : a pseudo-panel approach /
Government bonds in domestic and foreign currency : the role of macroeconomic and institutional factors /
Trends in household coverage of modern infrastructure services in Africa /
What does political economy tell us about economic development and vice versa? /
The quality of the legal system, firm ownership, and firm size /
Rental choice and housing policy realignment in transition : post-privatization challenges in the Europe and Central Asia region /
Sector organization, governance, and the inefficiency of African water utilities /
Services policy reform and economic growth in transition economies, 1990-2004 /
The Cotonou Agreement and its implications for the regional trade agenda in Eastern and Southern Africa /
Global food price inflation : implications for South Asia, policy reactions, and future challenges /
Decentralized creditor-led corporate restructuring : cross-country experience /
Moving up the ladder? : the impact of migration experience on occupational mobility in Albania /
Renegotiation of concession contracts in Latin America /
The welfare effects of slum improvement programs : the case of Mumbai /
Trade, regulations, and growth /
Price effects of preferential market access : / the Caribbean Basin Initiative and the apparel sector /
Does micro-credit empower women? : evidence from Bangladesh /
Is investment in Africa too low or too high? : macro and micro evidence /
Contractual savings, capital markets and firms' financing choices /
Intellectual property rights, licensing, and innovation /
Gender, time use, and models of the household /
Explaining liberalization commitments in financial services trade /
The effects of migration on child health in Mexico /
Poverty and income seasonality in Bangladesh /
Deposit insurance as private club : is Germany a model? /
Credit reporting and financing constraints /
Public disclosure of environmental violations in the Republic of Korea /
World market integration through the lens of foreign direct investors /
A Little Engine that Could ... Domestic Private Companies and Vietnam's Pressing Need for Wage Employment /
Institutions and labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa /
Scaling up community-driven development : theoretical underpinnings and program design implications /
Health facility surveys : an introduction /
Commodity price uncertainty in developing countries /
On defining and measuring the informal sector /
Contractual savings in countries with a small financial sector /
Natural disasters and human capital accumulation /
The potential demand for and strategic use of an HIV-1 vaccine in Southern India /
Micro-finance and poverty : evidence using panel data from Bangladesh /
Long-term financial incentives and investment in daughters : evidence from conditional cash transfers in north India /
Migration, sex bias, and child growth in rural Pakistan /
Does it matter where you come from? vertical spillovers from foreign direct investment and the nationality of investors /
Why is unemployment so high in Bulgaria? /
Annuity markets in comparative perspective : do consumers get their money's worth? /
The performance of decentralized school systems : evidence from Fe y Alegria in Venezuela /
The integrated macroeconomic model for poverty analysis : a quantitative macroeconomic framework for the analysis of poverty reduction strategies /
After the big bang? : obstacles to the emergence of the rule of law in post-Communist societies /
Stockpiles of obsolete pesticides and cleanup priorities : a methodology and application for Tunisia /
Global distortions to agricultural markets : new indicators of trade and welfare impacts, 1955 to 2007 /
Market Access for Sale : Latin America's Lobbying for U.S. Tariff Preferences /
The better you are the stronger it makes you : evidence on the asymmetric impact of liberalization /
Using survey data to assess the distributional effects of trade policy /
Economic and social impacts of self-help groups in india /
Ghost doctors : absenteeism in Bangladeshi health facilities /
Decentralization and public services : the case of immunization /
Multi-product exporters : diversification and micro-level dynamics /
External interventions and the duration of civil wars /
Institution building and growth in transition economies /
Avoiding the pitfalls in taxing financial intermediation /
Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala /
The impact of the Indonesian financial crisis on children : data from 100 villages survey /
Telecommunications reform in Malawi /
Reciprocity in free trade agreements /
Poverty in India during the 1990s : a regional perspective /
Public health in India : an overview /
Wage differentials and state-private sector employment Choice in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia /
Orphanhood and the living arrangements of children in Sub-Saharan Africa /
The overhang hangover /
Two Case Studies on Electronic Distribution of Government Securities : the U.S. Treasury Direct System and the Philippine Expanded Small Investors Program /
Cultivate or rent out? land security in rural Thailand /
Labor effects of adult mortality in Tanzanian households /
The Doha trade round and Mozambique /
Fiscal federalism and regional growth : evidence from the Russian Federation in the 1990s /
Aid, policies, and growth : / revisiting the evidence /
Rules of thumb for evaluating preferential trading arrangements : evidence from computable general equilibrium assessments /
Firms' productive performance and the investment climate in developing economies : an application to MENA manufacturing /
The insurance industry in Mauritius /
Intertemporal excess burden, bequest motives, and the budget deficit /
Sources of welfare disparities across and within regions of Brazil : evidence from the 2002-03 household budget survey /
Relative returns to policy reform : evidence from controlled cross-country regressions /
Small- and medium-size enterprise financing in Eastern Europe /
Evaluating emergency programs /
The anatomy of a multiple crisis : why was Argentina special and what can we learn from it? /
Evaluation of financial liberalization : a general equilibrium model with constrained occupation choice /
Trade policy, trade costs, and developing country trade /
Social polarization, political institutions, and country creditworthiness /
Political institutions, inequality, and agricultural growth : the public expenditure connection /
Emerging trends in WTO dispute settlement : back to the GATT? /
Auctions with endogenous participation and quality thresholds : evidence from oda infrastructure procurement /
Trade structure and growth /
Household investment under violence - the Colombian case /
Is there room for foreign exchange interventions under an inflation targeting framework? : Evidence from Mexico and Turkey /
Just-in-case inventories : a cross-country analysis /
Portfolio preferences of foreign institutional investors /
Optimal devaluations /
Crime and local inequality in South Africa /
Do stronger intellectual property rights increase international technology transfer? : empirical evidence from U.S. firm-level panel data /
Labor market distortions, rural-urban inequality, and the opening of China's economy /
Imports, entry, and competition law as market disciplines /
Roads out of poverty? : Assessing the links between aid, public investment, growth, and poverty reduction /
The Doha development agenda : what's on the table? /
The return to firm investment in human capital /
Cross-border purchases of health services : a case study on Austria and Hungary /
Securities Clearance and Settlement Systems : A Guide to Best Practices /
Natural disasters and the dynamics of intangible assets /
Controlling the Fiscal Costs of Banking Crises /
A multioutput cost function for port terminals : some guidelines for regulation /
Migration, spillovers, and trade diversion : the impact of internationalization on stock market liquidity /
The impact of trade liberalization on household welfare in Vietnam /
Oil, agriculture, and the public sector : linking intersector dynamics in Ecuador /
Poverty effects of higher food prices : a global perspective /
A macroeconomic framework for quantifying growth and poverty reduction strategies in Niger /
Competing concepts of inequality in the globalization debate /
Temporary sequestration credits : an instrument for carbon bears /
Simple model frameworks for explaining inefficiency of the clean development mechanism /
Groundnut policies, global trade dynamics, and the impact of trade liberalization /
International migration, remittances, and poverty in developing countries /
The concept of odious debt : some considerations /
Families, schools, and primary-school learning : evidence for Argentina and Colombia in an international perspective /
International climate regime beyond 2012 : are quota allocation rules robust to uncertainty? /
The sub prime crisis : implications for emerging markets /
Sea-level rise and storm surges : a comparative analysis of impacts in developing countries /
Social protection in a crisis : Argentina's Plan Jefes y Jefas /
Do capital flows respond to risk and return? /
Wealth : crucial but not sufficient evidence from Pakistan on economic growth, child labor, and schooling /
International evidence on the value of product and geographic diversity /
On measuring aggregate "social efficiency" /
Estimating trade restrictiveness indices /
Determinants of international emergency aid - humanitarian need only? /
Services in Doha : what's on the table? /
Infrastructure and growth in Africa /
Gender dimensions of child labor and street children in Brazil /
Banking on foreigners : the behavior of international bank lending to Latin America, 1985-2000 /
When do legislators pass on "pork"? : the determinants of legislator utilization of a constituency development fund in India /
Economic analysis of health care utilization and perceived illness : ethnicity and other factors /
Impact of rising rice prices and policy responses in Mali : simulations with a dynamic CGE model /
Antidumping as safeguard policy
Regulating Islamic financial institutions : the nature of the regulated /
Lobbying and agricultural trade policy in the United States /
The effect of male migration for work on employment patterns of females in Nepal /
Exploring the links between HIV/AIDS, social capital, and development /
The impact of bank regulations, concentration, and institutions on bank margins /
Taxation and capital structure : evidence from a transition economy /
Achieving the millennium development goals : / the role of infrastructure /
Wages and Productivity in Mexican Manufacturing /
Technological asymmetry among foreign investors and mode of entry /
Comparing land reform and land markets in Colombia : / impacts on equity and efficiency /
Assessing the impact of communication costs on international trade /
Rural extension services /
The impact of structural reforms on poverty : a simple methodology with extensions /
Pre-empting protectionism in services : the WTO and outsourcing /
Initial conditions and incentives for Arab economic integration : can the European Community's success be emulated? /
Tax policy to reduce carbon emissions in South Africa /
The price of inconvertible deposits : the stock market boom during the Argentine crisis /
Political violence and economic growth /
Financial globalization : unequal blessings /
The emerging project bond market : covenant provisions and credit spreads /
International migration, transfers of norms and home country fertility /
Mexico : two decades of the evolution of education and inequality /
The role of opinion leaders in the diffusion of new knowledge : the case of integrated pest management /
Effects of privatization and ownership in transition economies /
Preferential trading in South Asia /
Tango with the gringo : the hard peg and real misalignment in argentina /
Small and medium enterprises across the globe : / a new database /
The data chase : what's out there on trade costs and nontariff barriers? /
Capital flows, country risk, and contagion /
Technology adoption and the investment climate : firm-level evidence for Eastern Europe and Central Asia /
Insurance regulation in Jordan : new rules, old system /
Bank ownership type and banking relationships /
Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Ghana /
The international finance corporation's MBA survey : how developing country firms rate local business school training /
Measuring subjective expectations in developing countries : a critical review and new evidence /
Catastrophe insurance market in the Caribbean Region : market failures and recommendations for public sector interventions /
Never too late to get together again : turning the Czech and Slovak Customs Union into a stepping stone to EU integration /
Public versus private ownership : the current state of the debate /
Impacts of the Doha development agenda on China : the role of labor markets and complementary education reforms /
Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices : the case of Mali /
Fostering community-driven development : what role for the state? /
Local inequality and project choice : theory and evidence from Ecuador /
Financial intermediary development and growth volatility : do intermediaries dampen or magnify shocks? /
Finance and income inequality : test of alternative theories /
Vouchers for basic education in developing countries : a principal-agent perspective /
How have the world's poorest fared since the early 1980s? /
Can guest worker schemes reduce illegal migration? /
Aids and dualism : Ethiopia's burden under rational expectations /
The impact of property rights on households' investment, risk coping, and policy preferences : evidence from China /
What drives bank competition? : some international evidence /
Does tougher import competition foster product quality upgrading? /
Monetary policy and sectoral shocks : did the Federal Reserve react properly to the high-tech crisis? /
Unemployment-poverty trade-offs /
Do more transparent governments govern better? /
Financing patterns around the world : the role of institutions /
Equitable provision of long-term public goods : the role of negotiation mandates /
What happens when a country does not adjust to terms of trade shocks? The case of oil-rich Gabon /
Macroeconomic stability in developing countries : how much is enough? /
Mortgage securities in emerging markets /
How pro-poor is the selection of seasonal migrant workers from Tonga under New Zealand's recognized Seasonal Employer Program? /
Effects of primary, secondary, and tertiary education on economic growth : evidence from Guatemala, volume 1 of 2 /
Managing the effects of tax expenditures on national budgets /
Institutions, trade, and growth : revisiting the evidence /
Productivity growth and product variety : gains from imitation and education /
Professional development and incentives for teacher performance in schools in Mexico /
Inequality is bad for the poor /
Telecommunications performance, reforms, and governance /
Ex-ante evaluation of conditional cash transfer programs : the case of Bolsa Escola /
Who is coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the new recognized Seasonal Employer Program? /
Gainers and losers from trade reform in Morocco /
Banking on politics /
How do agricultural policy restrictions to global trade and welfare differ across commodities? /
Market power and the matching of trade credit terms /
Raising the quality of secondary education in East Asia /
Diversification, innovation, and imitation inside the global technological frontier /
The scaling-up of microfinance in Bangladesh : determinants, impact, and lessons /
Comparing constraints to economic stabilization in Macedonia and Slovakia : macro estimates with micro narratives /
Drivers and obstacles to banking SMEs : the role of competition and the institutional framework /
Uncivil societies : a theory of sociopolitical change /
Nonfarm income, inequality, and poverty in rural Egypt and Jordan /
Transforming natural resource wealth into sustained growth and poverty reduction : a conceptual framework for Sub-Saharan African oil exporting countries /
Market disequilibria and inflation in Uzbekistan, 1994-2000 /
Information diffusion in international markets /
Can risk averse competitive input providers serve farmers efficiently in developing countries? /
The investment climate in 16 Indian states /
Institutional reform and the judiciary : which way forward? /
Strengthening local government budgeting and accountability /
Trade facilitation and economic development : measuring the impact /
Reducing child malnutrition in Tanzania - combined effects of income growth and program interventions /
Is the developing world catching up? : global convergence and national rising dispersion /
Restoring economic growth in Argentina /
Costs of taxation and the benefits of public goods : the role of income effects /
Creating a more efficient financial system : challenges for Bangladesh /
Educational expansion : / evidence and interpretation /
Regulation and private sector investment in infrastructure : evidence from Latin America /
Domestic water pricing with household surveys : a study of acceptability and willingness to pay in Chongqing, China /
The labor market effects of foreign-owned firms /
The changing financial landscape : opportunities and challenges for the Middle East and North Africa /
Early childhood development through an integrated program : evidence from the Philippines /
Determinants of agricultural growth in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand /
Private provision of rural infrastructure services : competing for subsidies /
Carbon markets, institutions, policies, and research /
Environmental determinants of child mortality in rural China : a competing risks approach /
Further evidence on the link between finance and growth : an international analysis of community banking and economic performance /
Moving people to deliver services : how can the WTO help? /
No more cutting class? : reducing teacher absence and providing incentives for performance /
Who benefits and how much? : how gender affects welfare impacts of a booming textile industry /
Trends in the education sector from 1993-98 /
Explaining enterprise performance in developing countries with business climate survey data /
Standards and agro-food exports from developing countries : rebalancing the debate /
Land rental markets as an alternative to government reallocation? : equity and efficiency considerations in the Chinese land tenure system /
Policy options for meeting the millennium development goals in Brazil : can micro-simulations help? /
Macro-micro feedback links of water management in South Africa : CGE analyses of selected policy regimes /
Dealing with the coffee crisis in Central America : impacts and strategies /
The role of occupational pension funds in Mauritius /
Toward a microeconomics of growth /
Is deliberation equitable? : evidence from transcripts of village meetings in South India /
Policy research on migration and development /
Trade liberalization and the environment in Vietnam /
Pesticide poisoning of farm workers : implications of blood test results from Vietnam /
Trade policy reform and poverty alleviation /
Can the introduction of a minimum wage in fyr Macedonia decrease the gender wage gap? /
The wage labor market and inequality in Vietnam in the 1990s /
Health investments and economic growth : macroeconomic evidence and microeconomic foundations /
Are men benefiting from the new economy? : male economic marginalization in Argentina, Brazil, and Costa Rica /
The impact of urban spatial structure on travel demand in the United States /
How has environment mattered? : an analysis of World Bank resource allocation /
Product market integration and household labor supply in a poor economy : evidence from Vietnam /
Valuing mortality and morbidity in the context of disaster risks /
The impact of EU accession on human capital formation : can migration fuel a brain gain? /
Labor demand and trade reform in Latin America /
What triggers inflation in emerging market economies? /
Conditional cash transfers and the equity-efficiency debate /
Trading market access for competition policy enforcement /
Small businesses in South Africa : who outsources tax compliance work and why? /
Paying the price for unreliable power supplies : in-house generation of electricity by firms in Africa /
Income convergence during the disintegration of the world economy, 1919-39 /
Examining the feasibility of livestock insurance in Mongolia /
Professional services and development : a study of Mozambique /
Social sector expenditures and rainy-day funds /
Maritime transport costs and port efficiency /
The social impact of social funds in Jamaica : a mixed-methods analysis of participation, targeting, and collective action in community-driven development /
Production and cost functions and their application to the port sector : a literature survey /
Financial dollarization and central bank credibility /
International migration, human capital, and entrepreneurship : evidence from Philippine migrants' exchange rate shocks /
Fertility response to natural disasters : the case of three high mortality earthquakes /
The determinants of government environmental performance : an empirical analysis of Chinese townships /
Hidden impact? : ex-post evaluation of an anti-poverty program /
Refining policy with the poor : local consultations on the draft comprehensive poverty reduction and growth strategy in Vietnam /
Inclusive growth analytics : framework and application /
U.S. contingent protection against honey imports development aspects and the Doha Round/
Beyond mitigation : potential options for counter-balancing the climatic and environmental consequences of the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases /
Welfare impacts of rural electrification : a case study from Bangladesh /
Core indicators for determinants and performance of the electricity sector in developing countries /
Implications of WTO disciplines for special economic zones in developing countries /
Gifted kids or pushy parents? foreign acquisitions and plant performance in Indonesia /
Unemployment and worker-firm matching : theory and evidence from East and West Europe /
Military expenditure : threats, aid, and arms races /
Child labor, school attendance, and indigenous households : Evidence from Mexico /
Technology, computers, and wages : evidence from a developing economy /
Job creation and labor reform in Latin America /
The global distribution of trademarks : some stylized facts /
Trade-related technology diffusion and the dynamics of North-South and South-South integration /
Education, information, and smoking decisions : evidence from smoking histories, 1940-2000 /
How will climate change shift agro-ecological zones and impact African agriculture? /
The performance of Bulgarian food markets during reform /
Governance of public pension funds : lessons from corporate governance and international evidence /
Consumption, health, gender, and poverty /
Distributional effects of crises : / the role of financial transfers /
Weathering the storm : investing in port infrastructure to lower trade costs in East Asia /
2008 Annual Review Development Effectiveness : Shared Global Challenges.
Distinguishing between observationally equivalent theories of crises /
Climate change governance /
Is formal lifelong learning a profitable investment for all of life? how age, education level, and flexibility of provision affect rates of return to adult education in Colombia /
Regulatory reform : integrating paradigms /
Beyond the information technology agreement : harmonization of standards and trade in electronics /
Avoiding customer and taxpayer bailouts in private infrastructure projects : policy toward leverage, risk allocation, and bankruptcy /
Does infrastructure reform work for the poor? : a case study on the cities of La Paz and El Alto in Bolivia /
The role of tropical forests in supporting biodiversity and hydrological integrity : a synoptic overview /
Structural issues in the Kenyan financial system : improving competition and access /
The 2007 meltdown in structured securitization : searching for lessons, not scapegoats /
Foreign direct investment and poverty reduction /
Can reforming global institutions help developing countries share more in the benefits from globalization? /
The foreign-born population in the European Union and its contribution to national tax and benefit systems : some insights from recent household survey data /
Sugar in the Caribbean : adjusting to eroding preferences /
Migration and economic mobility in Tanzania : evidence from a tracking survey /
The strategic use and potential demand for an HIV vaccine in Southern Africa /
Why do people die in earthquakes? : the costs, benefits and institutions of disaster risk reduction in developing countries /
The impact of Chilean fruit sector development on female employment and household income /
Romania's integration into European markets : implications for sustainability of the current export boom /
Targeted transfers in poor countries : revisiting the tradeoffs and policy options /
Modeling services liberalization : the case of Tanzania /
Bank competition, financing obstacles, and access to credit /
Regional, multilateral, and unilateral trade policies of MERCOSUR for growth and poverty reduction in Brazil /
Foreign direct investment, regulations, and growth /
Referendum, response, and consequences for Sudan : the game between Juba and Khartoum /
Trade, foreign exchange, and energy policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran : reform agenda, economic implications, and impact on the poor /
North-south trade-related technology diffusion, brain drain and productivity growth : are small states different? /
Paying for health care : quantifying fairness, catastrophe, and impoverishment, with applications to Vietnam, 1993-98 /
Pursuing efficiency while maintaining outreach : bank privatization in Tanzania /
Metropolitan industrial clusters : patterns and processes /
Which doctor? : combining vignettes and item response to measure doctor quality /
Land sales and rental markets in transition : evidence from rural Vietnam /
Contractual savings or stock market development, which leads? /
Measuring aggregate welfare in developing countries : how well do national accounts and surveys agree? /
How substitutable is natural capital? /
Career placement of skilled migrants in the U.S. labor market : a dynamic approach /
Are skills rewarded in Sub-Saharan Africa? : determinants of wages and productivity in the manufacturing sector /
Household composition and the response of child labor supply to product market integration : / evidence from Vietnam /
Strained mercy : the quality of medical care in Delhi /
Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean /
The impact of contractual savings institutions on securities markets /
The market for retirement products in Sweden
Political alternation as a restraint on investing in influence evidence from the post-communist transition /
Major trade trends in East Asia : what are their implications for regional cooperation and growth? /
Age at first child : does education delay fertility timing? the case of Kenya /
Malnutrition and poverty in Guatemala /
The role of advocacy in competition policy : the case of the Argentine gasoline market /
Telecommunications reform in Côte d'Ivoire /
Trade reforms, market access and poverty in Argentina /
Quantitative analysis of crisis : crisis identification and causality /
Financing small and medium-size enterprises with factoring : global growth and its potential in Eastern Europe /
The poverty impact of rural roads : evidence from Bangladesh /
On the use of transparent formulae to allocate federal education transfers /
Export profiles of small landlocked countries : a case study focusing on their implications for Lesotho /
Pension funds and national saving /
Frame-of-reference bias in subjective welfare regressions /
Inefficient lobbying, populism, and oligarchy /
A curse of comparison? : Evidence on reference groups for relative income concerns /
Reducing agricultural tariffs versus domestic support : what's more important for developing countries? /
A positive stigma for child labor? /
Price caps, efficiency payoffs and infrastructure contract renegotiation in Latin America /
The twin effects of globalization /
On the quantity and quality of knowledge : / the impact of openness and foreign research and development on North-North and North-South technology spillovers /
Inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunities in Brazil /
Impacts of land certification on tenure security, investment, and land markets : evidence from Ethiopia /
Integrating housing wealth into the social safety net : the elderly in Moscow /
Trade policy, trade volumes, and plant-level productivity in Colombian manufacturing industries /
Promoting access to primary equity markets : a legal and regulatory approach /
Grand corruption in utilities /
May growth lead to higher deprivation despite higher satisfaction? /
Social and governance dimensions of climate change : implications for policy /
A race to the top? : a case study of food safety standards and African exports /
Taking the bad with the good : volatility of foreign portfolio investment and financial constraints of small firms /
Economic growth, inequality, and poverty : findings from a new data set /
India : why fiscal adjustment now /
Dynamics of income inequality and welfare in Latvia in the late 1990s /
Rice prices and poverty in Liberia /
Quantifying the impact of services liberalization in a developing country /
Strengthening governance through engaged societies : lessons from the implementation of poverty reduction strategies /
Bulgaria's integration into the pan-European economy and industrial restructuring /
Financial regulatory harmonization and the globalization of finance /
The relevance of a rules-based maize marketing policy : an experimental case study of Zambia /
How the quality of institutions affects technological deepening in developing countries /
Survey techniques to measure and explain corruption /
Openness, industrialization, and geographic concentration of activities in China /
The political economy of public spending on education, inequality, and growth /
The use and misuse of computers in education : evidence from a randomized experiment in Colombia /
Gender and asset ownership : a guide to collecting individual-level data /
Connecting lagging and leading regions : the role of labor mobility /
Bank activity and funding strategies : the impact on risk and returns /
Child labor, income shocks, and access to credit /
Nonlinear effects of altitude on child growth in Peru : a multilevel analysis /
Catastrophe risk pricing : an empirical analysis /
Options for financing lifelong learning /
Measuring beginner reading skills : an empirical evaluation of alternative instruments and their potential use for policymaking and accountability in peru /
Trade and harmonization : if your institutions are good, does it matter if they are different? /
Does greater accountability improve the quality of delivery of public services? : Evidence from Uganda /
Hunting for leopards : long run country income dynamics in Africa /
Industrial ownership and environmental performance : evidence from China /
Can maquila booms reduce poverty? : evidence from Honduras /
Development strategy, viability, and economic distortions in developing countries /
The consequences of child labor : evidence from longitudinal data in rural Tanzania /
Toward defining and measuring the affordability of public utility services /
Industrial structure, appropriate technology and economic growth in less developed countries /
Direct support to private firms : evidence on effectiveness /
Foreign aid, conditionality, and ghost of the financing gap : a forgotten aspect of the aid debate /
Traffic fatalities and economic growth /
Measuring skilled migration rates : the case of small states /
Inequality of opportunity and economic development /
Wage subsidy and labor market flexibility in South Africa /
Social health insurance vs. tax-financed health systems : evidence from the OECD /
Africa's choices : after thirty years of the World Bank /
The hobbled giant : essays on the World Bank /
Poverty reduction, education, and the global diffusion of conditional cash transfers /
Conditional cash transfer programs in Ecuador and Chile the role of policy diffusion /
Communities of practice at the World Bank : breaking knowledge silos to catalyze culture change and organizational transformation /
Das Inspection Panel der Weltbank : Entwicklungspolitische Praktiken zwischen Disruption und Legitimation /
Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood : evidence from a randomized experiment /
Aggregate economic shocks, child schooling and child health /
Child health and the 1988-92 economic crisis in Peru
Development, modernization, and son preference in fertility decisions /
Off and running? : technology, trade, and the rising demand for skilled workers in Latin America /
Getting girls into school : evidence from a scholarship program in Cambodia /
Trade diversion under selective preferential market access
Unequal alliance : the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Philippines /
HG3881.5 .W57 2002 Growth, Distribution and Poverty in Africa : Messages from the 1990s. 2
HG3881.5 W57 A13 no.4341 Review of Environmental, Economic and Policy Aspects of Biofuels / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A15 1994 50 years is enough : the case against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A15 2005eb 2004 annual review of development effectiveness the World Bank's contributions to poverty reduction. 1
HG3881.5.W57 A22 2003 Accountability at the World Bank : the Inspection Panel 10 years on / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A33 2004 Addressing the challenges of globalization an independent evaluation of the World Bank's approach to global programs. 1
HG3881.5.W57 A345 2005 Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A345 2006 Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda /
Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda.
HG3881.5.W57 A4213 2009 The political economy of the World Bank : the early years / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A4213 2009eb The political economy of the World Bank the early years / 1
HG3881.5.W57 A56 2002eb 2001 annual review of development effectiveness making choices /
2001 annual review of development effectiveness : making choices /
HG3881.5.W57 A56 2004eb 2003 annual review of development effectiveness the effectiveness of bank support for policy reform. 1
HG3881.5.W57 A56 2009eb Annual review of development effectiveness. 1
HG3881.5.W57 A66 2008eb Annual review of development effectiveness. 1
HG3881.5 .W57 A66 2009 2009 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness : Achieving Sustainable Development. 1