Call Number (LC) Title Results
HF1613.4 .M37 2013eb South Africa and the world economy : remaking race, state, and region / 2
HF1613.4 R367 1983 Words are as water : the opening address / 1
HF1613.4 .S26 1990 Sanctioning apartheid / 1
HF1613.4 .S36 1988i Sanctions against South Africa the peaceful alternative to violent change. 1
HF1613.4 .S68 1989 South Africa : the sanctions report / 1
HF1613.4 .S72 1989 South Africa : the sanctions report / 1
HF1613.4 T73 Trade policy review. 1
HF1613.4 .W66 1989 South Africa : the sanctions mission : report of the Eminent Church Persons Group / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 The Geopolitics Of Southern Africa : South Africa As Regional Superpower /
The political economy of Sino-South African trade and regional competition /
BRIDGING THE RIFT : the new south africa in africa.
HF1613.4.Z4 A3513 1997 Bridging the rift : the new South Africa in Africa / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 A43517 2009 Beyond market access for economic development : EU-Africa relations in transition / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 A43517 2009eb Beyond market access for economic development EU-Africa relations in transition / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 A4353 1986 The geopolitics of southern Africa : South Africa as regional superpower / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 A4355 1986 Beggar your neighbours : apartheid power in Southern Africa / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 I4 2013 The Indian Ocean Rim : southern Africa and regional co-operation / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 I445 2003 The Indian Ocean Rim : southern Africa and regional cooperation / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 I445 2003eb The Indian Ocean Rim : southern Africa and regional co-operation / 1
HF1613.4.Z4 U67 1987 The South African quagmire : in search of a peaceful path to democratic pluralism / 1
HF1613.5 Zimbabwe's export performance : the impact of the parallel market and governance factors /
The system of protection and industrial development in Zimbabwe
HF1613.5 .T73 Trade policy review. 1