Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD8038.U5 P6 The demand and supply for entrepreneurial talent in Maine / 1
HD8038.U5 P76 1988 The Professions in American history / 1
HD8038.U5 R46 1998 Chicano professionals : culture, conflict, and identity / 1
HD8038.U5 S27 Work, aging, and social change : professionals and the one life-one career imperative / 2
HD8038.U5 S36 The availability of minorities and women for professional and managerial positions, 1970-1985 / 2
HD8038 .U5 W564 2013 No more invisible man : race and gender in men's work / 1
HD8038.U6 R46 2011eb Chicano professionals : culture, conflict, and identity / 1
HD8039 On the Waves of Empire U. S. Imperialism and Merchant Sailors, 1872-1924.
Sawdusted : Notes from a Post-Boom Mill.
We Get Nothing from Fishing. Fishing for Boat Opportunities Amongst Senegalese Fisher Migrants.
El Trabajo a domicilio en Chile, un tema antiguo y actual : Resultados de una medicin nacional - Cuestiones de desarrollo, Documento de discusin 32.
A Matter of Moral Justice Black Women Laundry Workers and the Fight for Justice.
The Jackson Project : War in the American Workplace.
Cheffes de Cuisine Women and Work in the Professional French Kitchen.
Listening to Workers Oral Histories of Metro Detroit Autoworkers in The 1950s.
Cutover capitalism : the industrialization of the northern forest /
HD8039.A23 M33 2016 Training design in aviation / 1
HD8039.A23 U65 1991 FAA staffing : new pay act offers options to bolster maintenance work force / 1
HD8039.A29 G78 Village life and labour /
Village life and labour
HD8039.A29 R745 1968B Agricultural workers in the U.S.S.R. / 1
HD8039.A29 R745 1969 Agricultural workers in the U.S.S.R. 1
HD8039.A292 C23 1975 Housing migratory agricultural workers in California, 1913-1948 / 1
HD8039.A32 F77 L'évolution du travail ouvrier aux usines Renault / 1
HD8039.A4 A27 2016 Absent aviators gender issues in aviation / 1
HD8039.A4 C36 2016eb Can the Air Force and airlines collaborate for mutual benefit? an exploration of pilot and maintenance workforce options / 1
HD8039.A4 K66 2002 Human factors in the training of pilots / 1
HD8039.A4 K66 2003 Human factors in the training of pilots 2
HD8039.A4 P756 U.S. airline transport pilot international flight language experiences, report 1 : background information and general/pre-flight preparation / 1