Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD75.6 .D48 1995x Developing environmental capacity : a framework for donor involvement. 1
HD75.6 .D484 2016eb Développement durable et filières tropicales.
Développement durable et filières tropicales
HD75.6 .D56 2009 Environment and development trajectory : a fresh look on theory and empirics / 1
HD75.6 .D66 1995 Sustainers and sustainability : attitudes, attributes, and actions for survival / 1
HD75.6 .D66 2019 Sustainability : collective action problems and a potential market-like solution / 1
HD75.6 .D68 1993 The growth illusion : how economic growth has enriched the few, impoverished the many, and endangered the planet / 3
HD75.6.D735 2008 The Principles of Sustainability. 1
HD75.6 .D735 2008eb The principles of sustainability
The principles of sustainability /
HD75.6 .D86 2008 The plot to save the planet : how visionary entrepreneurs and corporate titans are creating real solutions to global warming / 1
HD75.6 .E26 2006 Economic development, climate change, and the environment / 1
HD75.6 .E28 1988 Ecological development in the humid tropics : guidelines for planners / 1
HD75.6.E29 Ecological Economics : the Science and Management of Sustainability. 1
HD75.6 .E2946 2000 Economic development and environmental sustainability : Policies and principles for a durable equilibrium. 1
HD75.6 .E2947 2006 Economic development, climate change, and the environment / 1
HD75.6 .E295196 2023 Economic growth and environmental quality in a post-pandemic world : new directions in the econometrics of the environmental Kuznets Curve / 1
HD75.6 .E2956 2002 Economic theory for the environment : essays in honour of Karl-Göran Mäler / 1
HD75.6 .E329 1996 Education for sustainability 1
HD75.6 .E33 1989 Economy and ecology : towards sustainable development / 1
HD75.6 E344 2017 Meadowlark Economies: Work and Leisure in the Ecosystem : Work and Leisure in the Ecosystem. 1
HD75.6 .E348 2004eb Ecological economics : principles and applications / 1