Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD6053 .W6775 2009 Working women : stories of strife, struggle and survival / 1
HD6053 .W6775 2009eb Working women stories of strife, struggle and survival / 1
HD6053 .W678 1997 Workplace/women's place : an anthology / 1
HD6053 .Y43 2009 Globalizing care economies and migrant workers : explorations in global care chains / 1
HD6053 .Y68 2018 Women's work : how mothers manage flexible working in careers and family life / 2
HD6053 ebook Género e igualdad de oportunidades /
Reina virgen : el liderazgo femenino al descubierto /
Mujeres trabajando : con menos salarios, con menos estabilidad, con menos jubilación, con menos jerarquía /
Ganarse la vida : género y trabajo a través de los siglos /
HD6053 HD6053 .G578 2006eb Women, Employment and Organizations : Challenges for Management. 1
HD6053 HQ1381.J64 1987 Women in the World Economy : an INSTRAW Study. 1
HD6053.5 Begin boldly : how women can reimagine risk, embrace uncertainty, and launch a brilliant career / 1
HD6053.5 .A73 2022 Begin boldly how women can reimagine risk, embrace uncertainty, and launch a brilliant career /
Begin boldly : how women can reimagine risk, embrace uncertainty, and launch a brilliant career /
HD6053.5 .A73 2022eb Begin boldly : how women can reimagine risk, embrace uncertainty, and launch a brilliant career / 2
HD6053.6.E3 B37 2004 The employment crisis of female graduates in Egypt : an ethnographic account / 1
HD6053.6.G7 Graduate women and work in Wales, 1880-1939 : nationhood, networks and community / 1
HD6053.6.U5 C37 1986 Career guide for women scholars / 1
HD6053.6.U5 H36 1949i Trends in part time employment of college trained women 1
HD6053.6.U5 Y63 The careers of professional women : commitment and conflict / 1
HD6053.6.U5 Y63 1979 The careers of professional women : commitment and conflict / 2
HD6053.6.U6 D48 1994 Race, ethnic, and gender earnings inequality : the sources and consequences of employment segregation : a report / 1
HD6053.6.U6 W66 1994i Glass ceiling and Asian Americans a research monograph / 1
HD6054 Driven by intention own your purpose, gain power, and pursue your passion as a woman at work /
Get Over 'I Got It' : How to Stop Playing Superwoman, Get Support, and Remember That Having It All Doesn't Mean Doing It All Alone /
Secrets of Six-Figure Women /
Driven by intention : own your purpose, gain power, and pursue your passion as a woman at work /
Take back your power : 10 new rules for women at work /
The B Words /
The most powerful you : 7 bravery-boosting paths to career bliss /