Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD41 .T88x Twenty five years of competition policy : achievements and challenges. 1
HD41 .V27 2012 Competitive strategies managing the present and planning the future / 1
HD41 .V47 Market structure and industrial performance : a review of statistical findings / 1
HD41 .V65 2020 Titan Pharmaceutical : an introduction to diverse market opportunities / 1
HD41 .W494 1997 Wharton on dynamic competitive strategy / 1
HD41 .W4985 2005eb Competition policy and law in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan / 2
HD41 .W4997 2003 Regional state aid and competition policy in the European Union / 1
HD41 .Z43 2022 Optimal distinctiveness : a new agenda for the study of competitive positioning of organizations and markets / 1
HD41 ebook Dimensiones de la competitividad : factores internos y externos a las empresas /
Competitividad de México : un análisis sectorial /
Análisis externo de la empresa
Análisis sectorial y competitividad /
Gestión empresarial y aprendizaje organizacional : herramientas para el desarrollo de habilidades gerenciales en un contexto de competitividad regional /
Análisis interno de la empresa
Gestión de la competitividad empresarial /
Libre competencia y regulación : estudio de casos /
HD42 Resolving conflict : ten steps for turning negatives to positives /
How to resolve conflict in organizations : the power of people models and procedure /
Connect : resolve conflict, improve communication, strengthen relationships /
Getting along : how to work with anyone (even difficult people) /
Dealing with difficult people /
Gerir conflitos com reportes diretos /
Negociación y Mediación para la Resolución de Conflictos. una Aproximación con Estudios de Caso
The Exchange
Managing conflict.
HBR guide to dealing with conflict : manage your emotions and move on /
States and peoples in conflict : transformations of conflict studies /
The nature of intractable conflict : resolution in the twenty-first century /
Managing conflict in organizations /
The Walls Between Conflict and Peace.
Peer power : transforming workplace relationships /
Have a nice conflict : how to find success and satisfaction in the most unlikely places /
Learn how to resolve conflicts /
Solve employee problems before they start : resolving conflict in the real world /
Powerful phrases for dealing with workplace conflict : what to say next to de-stress the workday, build collaboration, and calm difficult customers /
Politics in the workplace : how can managers keep the peace? /
From conflict to convergence : coming together to solve tough problems /
Cómo tratar con gente difícil : inteligencia emocional /
The Conflict resolution phrase book : 2,000+ phrases for any HR professional, manager, business owner, or anyone who has to deal with difficult workplace situations /
Managing conflict at work : understanding and resolving conflict for productive working relationships /
Conflict 101 : a manager's guide to resolving problems so everyone can get back to work /
Managing conflict in your team /
Workplace conflict resolution for dummies /
Gestión de conflictos entre compañeros /
Defusing an argument /
Negociación y Mediación para la Resolución de Conflictos. una Aproximación con Estudios de Caso.
Managing Environmental Disputes : Network Management as an Alternative /
Improving the rhythm of your collaboration /
The impact of gender differences on the conflict management styles of managers in Bangladesh : an analysis /
How to Resolve Conflict in Organizations : the Power of People Models and Procedure.
From conflict to convergence coming together to solve tough problems /
Police conflict management.
Social identity, conflict management, religion and a building : peaks and valleys in the life of a large Christian church /
Chad-Cameroon pipeline /
Improving security in violent conflict settings security and justice thematic paper /
Reframing resolution : innovation and change in the management of workplace conflict /
When does culture become a barrier for change? /
Management, Conflict Resolution and Strategy Coping with Stress at Work /
Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict
Comment désamorcer les conflits au bureau? : solutions pour des relations professionnelles pacifiques /
Conflict management /
The Oxford handbook of conflict management in organizations /
Enhancing Courage, Respect and Assertiveness.
Planning in the face of conflict the surprising possibilities of facilitative leadership /
Managing conflict in the workplace /
HD42 .A44 2020 Conflict management and leadership development using mediation / 1
HD42 .A523 1996 Communication skills for surviving conflicts at work / 1
HD42 .A57 1999 Managing change : negotiating conflict / 1
HD42 .A74 2024 Are We Making a Difference? Global and Local Efforts to Assess Peacebuilding Effectiveness. 1
HD42 .A76 1993 When the sparks fly : resolving conflicts in your organization / 2
HD42 .A95 2009 Crisis, complexity and conflict / 1
HD42 .A98 1987 Axiomatics and pragmatics of conflict analysis / 1
HD42 .B29 2006 Culture, conflict, and medication in the Asian Pacific / 1
HD42 .B295 1995 Barriers to conflict resolution / 2
HD42 .B33 2019 PANGEA : why creativity gets in the way of practicality? / 1