Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD41 .C685 2014 Relevance : the power to change minds and behavior and keep you ahead of the competition / 1
HD41 .C685 2014ab Relevance : the power to change minds and behavior and stay ahead of the competition / 1
HD41 .D378 2021 Unlocking strategic innovation : competitive success in a disruptive environment / 2
HD41 .D46 2012eb Competition, gender and management beyond winning and losing / 1
HD41 .D56 2013eb The economics of competition : the race to monopoly / 1
HD41 .E29 1998 Economic organization, capabilities and co-ordination : essays in honour of G.B. Richardson / 1
HD41 .E29 1998eb Economic organization, capabilities and co-ordination : essays in honour of G.B. Richardson / 1
HD41 .E33 1914i The new competition an examination of the conditions underlying the radical change that is taking place in the commercial and industrial world-- the change from a competitive to a coöperative basis / 1
HD41 .E4 The new competition; an examination of the conditions underlying the radical change that is taking place in the commercial and industrial world--the change from a competitive to a cooperative basis, 1
HD41 .E4 1913 The new competition : an examination of the conditions underlying the radical change that is taking place in the commercial and industrial world--the change from a competitive to a coöperative basis / 1
HD41 .E45 Competition and monopoly in the British soap industry. 1
HD41 .E54 2010eb Enhancing competences for competitive advantage / 1
HD41 .E557 1996 Market signaling and competitive bluffing : an empirical study / 1
HD41 .E97 2009 Experiments and competition policy / 1
HD41 .F48 1993 The geographical dimension of competition in the European single market / 1
HD41 .F554 1998 Clockspeed : winning industry control in the age of temporary advantage / 1
HD41 .F74 2017 First Act, Inc. & Brook Mays Music / 1
HD41 .G35 2000 Strategic foundations of general equilibrium : dynamic matching and bargaining games / 1
HD41 .G35 2000eb Strategic foundations of general equilibrium : dynamic matching and bargaining games / 2
HD41 .G37 2006eb Top class competitors : how nations, firms, and individuals succeed in the new world of competitiveness / 1