Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HD30.65 .R44 2003 | The construction of management : competence and gender issues at work / | 1 |
HD30.65 .V45 2022 | OKRs for all : making objectives and key results work across your organization / | 2 |
HD30.65 .W45 1985 | Management excellence : productivity through MBO / | 1 |
HD30.85 .S34 | Recollections by "the old man of the mountain" / | 1 |
HD31 |
Reframing organizations artistry, choice, and leadership / Warren Buffett on business principles from the sage of Omaha / It's not rocket science 4 simple strategies for mastering the art of execution / Courage to execute what elite U.S. military units can teach business about leadership and team performance / Myths of management what people get wrong about being the boss / The stress test every business needs a capital agenda for confidently facing digital disruption, difficult investors, recessions and geopolitical threats / A class with Drucker the lost lessons of the world's greatest management teacher / Manager 3.0 a millennial's guide to rewriting the rules of management / The 30 day MBA your fast track guide to business success / Foundations of management Journal of behavioral and applied management the official journal of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management. Myths of work the stereotypes and assumptions holding your organization back / Resource management : an alternative view of the management process / Forget strategy. get results. : radical management attitudes that will deliver outstanding success / Design thinking for entrepreneurs and small businesses : putting the power of design to work / Courage to execute : what elite U.S. military units can teach business about leadership and team performance / Aha moments in talent management : a business fable with practical exercises / Business Environment Revised Edition : Management Extra. Running meetings / The rules of management MBA day by day : how to turn world-class business thinking into everyday business brilliance / Information and Knowledge Management Revised Edition : Management Extra. The definitive Drucker / Simply Managing : What Managers Do - and Can Do Better. HBR's 10 must reads 2015 : the definitive management ideas of the year from Harvard business review. How I did it : lessons from the front lines of business / How to be a brilliant manager / A process theory of organization / Technical Program Manager's Handbook Empowering Managers to Efficiently Manage Technical Projects and Build a Successful Career Path / HBR's 10 must reads : the essentials. The managerial grid III / How to make the transition from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed firm / Agile : an executive guide : real results from IT budgets / Management : a contingency approach / An introduction to management / Managing in the Discomfort Zone. Metodologías avanzadas para la planificación y mejora : planificación estratégica, BSC, autoevaluación EFQM, Seis Sigma ... Un sencillo enfoque integrado para las PYMES (con sentido común) / Así se hace un plan de empresa Managerial clout : take action, get results, influence people & events / How to managefor international competitiveness / Managerial discretion in imperfect markets / Alimentos y bebidas : su gerenciamiento en hoteles y restaurantes. The blue line imperative : what managing for value really means / Current topics in management. Cross-cultural management : foundations and future / The essential Drucker : selections from the management works of Peter F. Drucker / Business as a system of power / How to be a manager : a practical guide to tips and techniques / Planning change in the workplace Global manufacturing management from excellent plants toward network optimization / Innovative management and firm performance : an interdisciplinary approach and cases / Foundations for new economic thinking a collection of essays / Managing for results : economic tasks and risk-taking decisions / Multi-rational management : mastering conflicting demands in a pluralistic environment / Freedom & co-ordination : lectures in business organization / It's not rocket science : 4 simple strategies for mastering the art of execution / Organizational management in post pandemic crisis / Industry and firm studies / Management : the basics / 101 things I learned in business school / Management in action Corporate performance management : how to build a better organization through measurement-driven strategic alignment / Aligning Lean and value-based management operations and financial functions at the system level / Production and Operations Management. A class with Drucker : the lost lessons of the world's greatest management teacher / Business organization / The every day MBA : how to turn world-class business thinking into everyday business brilliance / The rules of management : a definitive code for managerial success / Management / Creating a data-driven organization : practical advice from the trenches / 25 need-to-know management models / Emerging conceptions of work, management and the labor market / A Manifesto for Model-based Management. Business Management, 2. Corporate Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Customers. Ignite : real leadership, real talk, real results / 25 need-to-know MBA models / Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Be decisive - now! : the 2-in-1 manager : speed read : instant tips : big picture, lasting results / Back on track! Successful management techniques to get a company out of debt pile. The Four Mindsets / Theory of control in organizations / HBR's 10 must reads on managing yourself. Rules of Management, The: A Definitive Code for Managerial Success / Management? : it's not what you think! / Sustainable management for managers and engineers Organisation design for servitized manufacturers / Eliminating waste in business : run lean, boost profitability / Management by objectives and performance appraisal The stress test every business needs : a capital agenda for confidently facing digital disruption, difficult investors, recessions and geopolitical threats / The making of an Agile leader : you must be agile to do Agile / Management decision. oxymoron or opportunity? / The little book of big management questions : the 76 most important questions and how to answer them / Netflix leading with data : the emergence of data-driven video / Effective management in practice : analytical insights and critical questions / Feminists and queer theorists debate the future of critical management studies / The daily Drucker : 366 days of insight and motivation for getting the right things done / Management strategies that make U.S. firms competitive in the global economy Management from the Masters : From Confucius to Warren Buffett Twenty Timeless Principles for Business. WE TOO CAN PROSPER the promise of productivity. The Logic of Industrial Organization. Death to all sacred cows The Six Fundamentals of Success / ORGANIZATIONS IN THE NETWORK AGE. Small Museum Toolkit Book Three : Organizational Management. Small Museum Toolkit Book Two : Financial Resource Development and Management. Myths of management : what people get wrong about being the boss / Managing for dummies / Talk is (not!) cheap : the art of conversation leadership / Os segredos para ser um bom gestor ou supervisor - Lições aprendidas por quem já trabalhou na área. Management skills / Manager 3.0 : a millennial's guide to rewriting the rules of management / Warren Buffett on business : principles from the sage of Omaha / The little book of big management wisdom : 90 important quotes and how to use them in business / The little book of big management theories ... and how to use them / The Coal Industry. The roots and future of management theory : a systems perspective / International encyclopedia of organization studies Managing engineered assets principles and practical concepts / Comunicación y protocolo empresarial en los países de la zona euro / The psychosocial and organization studies : affect at work / Journal of Management Science and Engineering Analytics for Managers : With Excel. Impresa e capitale sociale nel nuovo diritto della crisi. Strumenti diI pianificazione & controllo e performance aziendali : confronto tra family e non-family firms / Management, organisation and employment strategy : new directions in theory and practice / Company organization : theory and practice / The Clayton M. Christensen reader : selected articles from the world's foremost authority on disruptive innovation. Management control and uncertainty / Managing social purpose driven organizations : looking at the third sector / A management system for the seventies Social innovation : new forms of organisation in knowledge-based societies / Management 4.0 cases and methods for the 4th Industrial Revolution / The essential manager : how to thrive in the global information jungle / Management science : foundations and innovations / The keys to success in management / Business organization The Oxford handbook of management theorists Implementing an Integrated Management System (IMS) : the Strategic Approach. Building trust as a manager : learn how to build strong, authentic relationships. Managerial reality : balancing technique, practice and values / The management process : theory, research, and practice / Thinking about management / Reputation Management Revised Edition : Management Extra. Management in 4 Weeks. How to Be an Even Better Manager : a Complete A-Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills. Die Notwendigkeit von Umstrukturierungen in Net Economy Unternehmen im bergang zwischen Grndungs- und Wachstumsphase. Klausurtraining fur allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre / The ABCs of evaluation : timeless techniques for program and project managers / Aligning Lean and value-based management : operations and financial functions at the system level / The manager's guide to risk assessment : getting it right / Integrated managerial controls : a visual approach through integrated management information systems / Data-centric business and applications : advancements in information and knowledge management. Systemic thinking for public managers : five practices for creating a vibrant organization / Data-centric business and applications : Modern trends in financial and Innovation Data Processes 2023. Our least important asset : why the relentless focus on finance and accounting is bad for business and employees / Recent advances in management and engineering : proceedings of recent advances in management and engineering / Stakeholder management The Business of Winning : Insights in Transformation from F1 to the Boardroom. Management and Governance of Networks : Franchising, Cooperatives, and Strategic Alliances / Corporate security organizational structure, cost of services and staffing benchmark research report / Organisational Behaviour and Corporate Development. Managing by remote control : how to more effectively manage people and resources when you can't always be there / El nuevo mánager al minuto. The Oxford handbook of critical management studies Enterprise governance : driving enterprise performance through strategic alignment / Industrial management--control and profit : a technical approach / Eliminating Waste in Business Run Lean, Boost Profitability. Steps to improved firm performance with business process management : adding business value with business process management and its systems / |
202 |
HD31 .A185 | AMA management handbook / | 1 |
HD31 .A2 | Managing small projects for fun (optional) and profit (required) / | 1 |
HD31 .A223 1998 | Business ecology : giving your organization the natural edge / | 1 |
HD31 .A24 2011 | Business ecology giving your organization the natural edge / | 1 |
HD31 .A25 1996 | Accountability : power, ethos and the technologies of managing / | 1 |
HD31 .A28 | A concept of corporate planning / | 1 |
HD31 .A2813 1999 | Ackoff's best : his classic writings on management / | 1 |
HD31 .A283 1986 | Management in small doses / | 1 |
HD31 .A284 1999 | Re-creating the corporation : a design of organizations for the 21st century / | 3 |
HD31 .A29 1993 | Developing policies that work / | 2 |
HD31 .A294 1996 | The Dilbert principle : a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions / | 3 |
HD31 .A294 1997 | The Dilbert principle : a cubicle's-eye view of bosses, meetings, management fads & other workplace afflictions / | 1 |
HD31 .A295 |
Administrative policy and strategy: a comparative approach case book Administrative policy and strategy : a comparative approach case book / |
2 |
HD31 .A3 | Administering the going concern : cases in business policy / | 1 |
HD31 .A32 1989 | Administrative thinkers / | 1 |