Call Number (LC) Title Results
HD1333.S65 S76 2013 The voice of the people letters from the Soviet village, 1918-1932 / 1
HD1333.S65 S76 2013eb The voice of the people : letters from the Soviet village, 1918-1932 / 1
HD1333.S65 T448 2013 The Voice of the People / 1
HD1333.S65 Y36 1982 The urge to mobilize : agrarian reform in Russia, 1861-1930 / 2
HD1333.S652 N68 1989 Novgorodska︠i︡a derevn︠i︡a v reforme 1861 goda : opyt izucheni︠i︡a s ispolʹzovaniem ĖVM / 1
HD1333.S7 R85 1983 Funcionario republicano de reforma agraria y otros testimonios : Manuel Azaña, marxismo, guerra civil / 1
HD1333.S712 ebook La reforma agraria y los orígenes de la Guerra Civil cuestión yuntera y radicalización patronal en la provincia de Cáceres (1931-1940) / 1
HD1333.S712 I243 1984 Remaking Ibieca : rural life in Aragon under Franco / 2
HD1333.S72 A38 1992 Agrarian change in Sri Lanka / 1
HD1333.T28 T73127 2017 Taiwan nong min yun dong yu tu di gai ge, 1924-1951 = The peasant movement and land reform in Taiwan, 1924-1951 / 1
HD1333.T93 B76 2001 Turkmenistan : an Assessment of Leasehold-Based Farm Restructuring. 1
HD1333.U38 L476 2000 Ukraine : Review of farm restructuring experiences. 1
HD1333.U62 T465 2006 Up from the mudsills of hell : the Farmers' Alliance, populism, and progressive agriculture in Tennessee, 1870-1915 / 1
HD1333.U62 T465 2006eb Up from the mudsills of hell : the Farmers' Alliance, populism, and progressive agriculture in Tennessee, 1870-1915 / 2
HD1333.V46 R36 1967 El hombre y la tierra / 1
HD1333.Z55 The dilemma of children's right to education in the era of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe re-visited / 1
HD1333.Z55 D57 2019eb Displacement, Elimination and Replacement of Indigenous People : Putting into Perspective Land Ownership and Ancestry in Decolonising Contemporary Zimbabwe. 1
HD1333.Z55 G63 2005 Gender and land reform : the Zimbabwe experience / 1
HD1333.Z55 G64 2005eb Gender and land reform : the Zimbabwe experience / 2
HD1333.Z55 L35 2000 Land reform in Zimbabwe : constraints and prospects / 1