Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HC79.E5 Y43 2009eb |
Yearbook of international cooperation on environment and development 2003-04 / Yearbook of international cooperation on environment and development 1998-99 / |
2 |
HC79.E5 Y54 1994 | Yokohama Expert Group Meeting on women entrepreneurs in sustainable economic development : synopsis of the report. | 1 |
HC79.E5 Y65 2018 | Sparks from the Spirit : From Science to Innovation, Development, and Sustainability. | 1 |
HC79.E5 Y66 1994 | The next efficiency revolution : creating a sustainable materials economy / | 1 |
HC79.E5 Y68 | Natural resources and the state : the political economy of resource management / | 2 |
HC79.E5 Y69 2001 | Uncertainty and the environment : implications for decision making and environmental policy / | 1 |
HC79.E5 .Z34 2014 | Development of Free-Machining Alloys. | 1 |
HC79.E5 Z443 2012 | The other road to serfdom & the path to sustainable democracy / | 3 |
HC79.E5 Z4434 2025 | Advancing and negotiating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : a practical toolkit / | 1 |
HC79.E5 Z4483 2014eb | Overfished ocean strategy : powering up innovation for a resource-deprived world / | 3 |
HC79.E5 Z45 1998 | Zhongguo jing ji zeng zhang yu ke chi xu fa zhan : li lun, mo xing yu ying yong / | 1 |
HC79.E5 Z454 2010 | L'éducation Au développement Durable De l'école Au Campus. | 1 |
HC79.E5 .Z471 2015 | Zerotentwenty. | 2 |
HC79.E5 .Z472 2015 | Zerotentwenty. | 2 |
HC79.E5 .Z473 2015 | Zerotentwenty. | 2 |
HC79.E5 Z55 1991 | What can I do to make a difference? : a positive action sourcebook / | 1 |
HC79.E5 Z55 1992 | What can I do to make a difference? : a positive action sourcebook / | 1 |
HC79.E5075 J2 | OECD environmental performance reviews. | 1 |
HC79.E53 | Climate change adaptation framework and youth entrepreneurship in West Africa | 1 |
HC79.E55 T66 2017 | Tomorrow's power / | 1 |