Call Number (LC) Title Results
HC79.C3 W43 2010eb Infrastructure as an asset class investment strategies, project finance and PPP /
Infrastructure as an asset class : investment strategies, project finance and PPP /
HC79.C3 W43 2016eb Infrastructure as an asset class investment strategy, sustainability, project finance and PPP /
Infrastructure as an asset class : investment strategy, sustainability, project finance and PPP /
HC79.C3 W445 2020 Well spent : how strong infrastructure governance can end waste in public investment / 1
HC79.C3 W55 2016eb online Current and future exposure of infrastructure in the United States to natural hazards / 1
HC79.C6 Garbage in popular culture : consumption and the aesthetics of waste /
Prosumidores emergentes : redes sociales, alfabetización y creación de contenidos /
Consumption /
Elusive consumption /
Assembling consumption : researching actors, networks and markets /
The Oxford handbook of political consumerism /
Politische Konsumentinnen im Social Web Praktiken der Vermittlung zwischen Bürger- und Verbraucheridentität /
Family spending : a report on the 2008 living costs and food survey /
Philosophical essays on free stuff /
Consumer vulnerability : conditions, contexts and characteristics /
Teaching and learning sustainable consumption : a guidebook /
Power and politics in sustainable consumption research and practice /
Stress, affluence and sustainable consumption /
Rising consumer materialism : a threat to sustainable happiness /
Green consumption : the global rise of eco-chic /
Social commerce e comportamento d'acquisto : gli effetti del digital sulla fiducia del consumatore /
The romantic ethic and the spirit of modern consumerism /
A triple bottom line analysis of global consumption /
Selling out or buying in? : debating consumerism in Vancouver and Victoria, 1945-1985 /
The Oxford handbook of consumption /
Consumption corridors : living a good life within sustainable limits /
Consumed : the need for collective change : colonialism, climate change, and consumerism /
Hyperconsumption corporate marketing vs. the planet /
Approaching consumer culture : global flows and local contexts /
The Production of Consumer Society : Cultural-Economic Principles of Distinction /
Prosumidores emergentes : redes sociales, alfabetización y creación de contenidos /
Politische Konsumentinnen im Social Web Praktiken der Vermittlung zwischen Bürger- und Verbraucheridentität /
The future of consumer society : prospects for sustainability in the new economy /
Plebeian consumers : global connections, local trade, and foreign goods in nineteenth-century Colombia /
Consumer Culture Theory
Consumer culture theory /
The changing landscape of China's consumerism
Cross cultural issues in consumer science and consumer psychology : current perspectives and future directions /
Consumerism in world history : the global transformation of desire /
Consumer Culture Theory /
HC79C6A3 Advances in consumer research 1
HC79.C6 A36 2017 The saga of Maggi, Nestles controversial flagship brand in India / 1
HC79.C6 A42 2009 Treasures of the earth : need, greed, and a sustainable future / 1
HC79.C6 A42 2009eb Treasures of the earth need, greed, and a sustainable future /
Treasures of the earth : need, greed, and a sustainable future /
HC79.C6 A427 2003 Consumption / 1
HC79.C6 A43 2000 All the world and her husband : women in twentieth-century consumer culture / 1
HC79.C6 A438 2015eb Beastly possessions : animals in Victorian consumer culture /
Beastly Possessions : Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture /
HC79.C6 A44 2012eb American buyers : demographics of shopping / 1
HC79.C6 A45 2009 Treasures of the earth : need, greed, and a sustainable future / 1
HC79.C6 A87 Consumer behavior and marketing action / 1
HC79.C6 A874 2016 Assembling consumption : researching actors, networks and markets / 1
HC79.C6 BJ1491 .S674 2020 Post-Growth Living For an Alternative Hedonism. 1
HC79.C6 B293 2015 A history of global consumption : 1500-1800 / 1
HC79.C6 B293 2015eb A history of global consumption : 1500-1800 / 1
HC79.C6 B333 2021 Consumed : the need for collective change : colonialism, climate change, and consumerism / 1