Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HC340.12.A1 R874 | Russian economic trends | 1 |
HC340.12 .A31 1992 | After Gorbachev's USSR | 1 |
HC340.12 .A53 2018 | Putin's counterrevolution / | 2 |
HC340.12 .A75 2019 | Russia's crony capitalism : the path from market economy to kleptocracy / | 2 |
HC340.12 .A8 2012 | At the crossroads of post-communist modernisation Russia and China in comparative perspective / | 1 |
HC340.12 .A84 1995 | How Russia became a market economy / | 1 |
HC340.12 .A844 2007 | Russia's capitalist revolution : why market reform succeeded and democracy failed / | 1 |
HC340.12 .A844 2007eb | Russia's capitalist revolution : why market reform succeeded and democracy failed / | 2 |
HC340.12 .A85 1995 | Russian economic reform at risk / | 1 |
HC340.12 .B32i | Background notes, Russia | 1 |
HC340.12 .B3915 2012 | Geroi 90-kh : li︠u︡di i denʹgi : noveĭshai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ kapitalizma v Rossii / | 1 |
HC340.12 .B391513 2014 | Heroes of the 90s : the characters, the money : a new history of capitalism in Russia / | 1 |
HC340.12 .B7 1999 |
Kapitalizm : Russia's Struggle to Free Its Economy. / Kapitalizm : Russia's struggle to free its economy / |
2 |
HC340.12 .B7 1999eb | Kapitalizm : Russia's struggle to free its economy / | 1 |
HC340.12.B7 1999eb | Kapitalizm : Russia's Struggle to Free Its Economy. | 2 |
HC340.12 .B72 2000 | Incentives and institutions : the transition to a market economy in Russia / | 1 |
HC340.12 .B85 2007 | Tatarstan : a 'can-do' culture : President Mintimer Shaimiev and the power of common sense / | 1 |
HC340.12 .C35 2008eb |
Can Russia compete? / Can Russia compete? |
3 |
HC340.12 .C42 1995 | Challenges for Russian economic reform / | 2 |
HC340.12 .C43 1993 | Changing the economic system in Russia / | 1 |