HB3654.A3 P67 1991
Population and development planning in China / |
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HB3654.A3 P67 1992eb
The Population of modern China / |
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HB3654.A3 R55 2017
Population in China / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 R69 1982
Population and marketing settlements in Ch'ing China / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 S555 2003
San za ju shao shu min zu tong ji yu fen xi / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 S86 1985
Population control in China : theory and applications / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 T49 1991
China's strategic demographic initiative / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 T514 1997
Da guo zhi nan : dang dai Zhongguo di ren kou wen ti / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 T76 1996
Zou xiang er shi yi shi ji de Zhongguo ren kou, huan jing yu fa zhan / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 U55 2015i
Population control in China state-sponsored violence against women and children : hearing before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, April 30, 2015. |
1 |
HB3654.A3 W3456 2024
Population control policies in China and India : comparisons with social and cultural factors / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 W346 1999
China's population : problems, thoughts and policies / |
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HB3654.A3 W346 2018
China's population : problems, thoughts and policies / |
1 |
HB3654.A3 W85 2008
Nan Song ren kou shi / |
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HB3654.A3 Z4613 2014eb
Chinese research perspectives on population and labor. |
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HB3654.A3 Z466 2003
Zhongguo di wu ci ren kou pu cha shu ju China 5th population census data. |
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HB3654.A3 Z47 2003
Ren kou ge ming lun / |
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HB3654.A3 Z476 2004
Zhuan xing shi qi Zhongguo she hui ren kou = Zhuanxingshiqi Zhongguoshehuirenkou / |
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HB3654.A3 Z5 2000
Zhongguo ren kou shi / |
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HB3654.S43 S42 1992
Shanxi ren kou zhan lue si kao yu dui ce / |
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