Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT507 .G74 2008 The Greenwood encyclopedia of clothing through world history / 1
GT507 .L4 Dictionnaire du costume et de ses accessoires : des armes et des étoffes, des origines à nos jours / 1
GT507 .L49 2011 The complete costume dictionary / 1
GT507.L49 2011 The Complete Costume Dictionary. 1
GT507 .O53 1986 The encyclopedia of fashion / 2
GT507 .O53 1998 The Thames and Hudson dictionary of fashion and fashion designers / 1
GT507 .O53 2008 The Thames & Hudson dictionary of fashion and fashion designers / 1
GT507 .S47 2005 Glosario árabe español de indumentaria según el "Kitab al-Mujassas" de Ibn Sidah / 1
GT507 .S6 2013 World clothing and fashion : an encyclopedia of history, culture, and social influence / 1
GT507 .S6 2015 World clothing and fashion : an encyclopedia of history, culture, and social influence / 1
GT507 .W5 The dictionary of costume / 1
GT507 .Y36 1980 Costume of the Western world : pictorial guide and glossary / 1
GT507 .Y37 Encyclopedia of world costume /
The encyclopedia of world costume /
GT507 .Y37 1986 The encyclopedia of world costume / 2
GT509 .C35 2022 The world in dress : costume books across Italy, Europe, and the East /
The world in dress : costume books across Italy, Europe and the East /
GT509 .C56 2017 Clothing the past : surviving garments from early medieval to early modern western Europe / 1
GT509 .C638 2018 Clothing the Past. 1
GT509 .H65 Theatrv mvliervm, sive, Varietas atq. differentia habituum foeminei sexus diuersorum Europae nationum hodierno tempore vulgo in vsu 2
GT509 (INTERNET) The nauigations, peregrinations and voyages, made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay Daulphinois, Lord of Arfeuile, chamberlaine and geographer ordinarie to the King of Fraunce conteining sundry singularities which the author hath there seene and obserued : deuided into foure bookes, with threescore figures ... / 1