GT4995.J35 E87 1991
Los tastuanes de Moyahua, Zac. / |
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GT4995.J35 F55 2007
Caballeros, vejigantes, locas y viejos : Santiago Apóstol y los performeros afropuertorriqueños / |
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GT4995.J35 U54 2000
Las fiestas de Santiago Apóstol en Loíza : la cultura afro-puertorriqueña ante los procesos de hibridación y globalización / |
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GT4995.J35 Z37 1995
St. James in the streets : the religious processions of Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico / |
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GT4995.J6 C28
La estación de amor : (fiestas populares de mayo a San Juan) / |
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GT4995.J6 C47 1994
The festival of San Giovanni : imagery and political power in Renaissance Florence / |
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GT4995.P3 C76 2002
The wearing of the green : a history of St. Patrick's Day / |
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GT4995.P3 C76 2002eb
The wearing of the green a history of St. Patrick's Day / |
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GT4995.P3 S556 2015
Consuming St. Patrick's Day / |
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GT4995.P45 K54
Căluş : symbolic transformation in Romanian ritual / |
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Carnival in Tel Aviv : Purim and the celebration of urban Zionism / |
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The Spring Festival. |
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GT4995.V4 A62 1993
Vasantotsava : the spring festivals of India : texts and traditions / |
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GT4995.V4 J32 2002
The spring equinox : celebrating the greening of the earth / |
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GT5010 .E68 1997
Les entrées : gloire et déclin d'un cérémonial : colloque des 10 et 11 mai 1996, Château de Pau / |
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GT5010 .R56 1987
Rituals of royalty : power and ceremonial in traditional societies / |
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GT5030 .A15 1990
1598, a year of pageantry in Late Renaissance Ferrara / |
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GT5030 .A44 1990
"All the world's a stage-- " : art and pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque / |
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GT5030 .M58 1986
The majesty of the state : triumphal progresses of foreign sovereigns in Renaissance Italy, 1494-1600 / |
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Medieval Self-Coronations The History and Symbolism of a Ritual. |
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