Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT495 .R44 2002 Real bodies : a sociological introduction / 1
GT495 .T38 1992 Tattoo, torture, mutilation, and adornment : the denaturalization of the body in culture and text / 2
GT495 .T38 1992eb Tattoo, torture, mutilation, and adornment : the denaturalization of the body in culture and text / 1
GT495 .W56 2013eb Branded bodies, rhetoric, and the neoliberal nation-state / 1
GT495 .W65 1995 Punk and neo-tribal body art / 1
GT495 ebook La tríade prenatal : cordón, placenta, amnios : supervivencia de la magia paleolítica / 1
GT497.A35 C66 1992 Concepts of the body/self in Africa / 1
GT497.A356 B67 2006 Borders and healers : brokering therapeutic resources in southeast Africa / 1
GT497.A78 B64 2009 The body in Asia / 1
GT497.C3 C65 2013 Contesting bodies and nation in Canadian history / 1
GT497.C3C65 2013 Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History / 1
GT497.C6 E43 2006 Embodied modernities : corporeality, representation, and Chinese cultures / 1
GT497.C6 F37 2002 Appetites Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China /
Appetites : food and sex in postsocialist China /
GT497.C6 W364 2017 Quan li hua yu xia de shen ti gui xun yu she hui bian ge : yi jin dai fu shi, bian fa he chan zu wei zhong xin de li shi kao cha / 1
GT497.E85 B63 2013 The body in history : Europe from the Paleolithic to the future / 1
GT497.G3 L55 1999 German bodies race and representation after Hitler /
German bodies : race and representation after Hitler /
GT497.G3L55 1999 GT497.G3L55 1999eb German Bodies : Race and Representation After Hitler. 1
GT497.G3 L55 1999eb German bodies : race and representation after Hitler / 1
GT497.G7 H84 2017 Victorians undone : tales of the flesh in the age of decorum / 1
GT497.G8 B63 2009eb Bodies and boundaries in Graeco-Roman antiquity / 1