Call Number (LC) Title Results
GR356.72.W34 H33 Hadithi za mapokeo ya Wairaqw = Iraqw folktales in Tanzania / 1
GR357 How to read a folktale : the Ibonia epic from Madagascar / 4
GR357 .H38 1992 Verbal arts in Madagascar : performance in historical perspective / 1
GR357 .M34 1999 Over the lip of the world : among the storytellers of Madagascar / 2
GR357 .M34 1999eb Over the lip of the world : among the storytellers of Madagascar / 1
GR357.2.M47 I26 1994 Ibonia : epic of Madagascar / 1
GR357.3 .H4813 1982 The drunken king, or, The origin of the state / 1
GR357.62.F34 M9413 2014 Wisdom and Initiation in Gabon : a Philosophical Analysis of Fang Tales, Myths, and Legends. 1
GR357.82.B5 K7 1985 Contes didactiques Bira (Haut-Zaire) / 1
GR358 Ngoma : discourses of healing in central and southern Africa / 1
GR358 .J36 1992 Ngoma : discourses of healing in central and southern Africa / 1
GR358 .Q47 2000 The quest for fruition through ngoma : political aspects of healing in Southern Africa /
The quest for fruition through ngoma : the political aspects of healing in Southern Africa /
GR358 -- S34 1998eb Story. 1
GR358 .S34 1998eb Story 1
GR358 .V35 1991 Power and the praise poem : southern African voices in history / 2
GR358 .W74 2008 Working with Spirit : Experiencing izangoma Healing in Contemporary South Africa. 1
GR358.2.B83 H49 2008 Structure, meaning & ritual in the narratives of the southern San / 1
GR358.2.B83 L48 1997 Why ostriches don't fly and other tales from the African bush / 1
GR358.2.B83 L49 2016 Myth and meaning : San-Bushman folklore in global context / 1
GR358.32.K38 G735 1999 Grandmother's footsteps : oral tradition and south-east Angolan narratives on the colonial encounter / 1