Call Number (LC) Title Results
G74 .K47 Statistical analysis in geography / 1
G74 .K57 Selected classroom experiences : high school geography project / 1
G74 .K85 2022 Comprehending the complexity of countries : the way ahead / 1
G74 .L3 1989 Language and learning in the teaching of geography / 1
G74 .L34 1996 Gender, literacy, curriculum : re-writing school geography / 1
G74 .L34 2014eb Gender, literacy, curriculum : re-writing school geography / 1
G74 .L43 2017 Learning progressions in geography education international perspectives / 1
G74 .M66 1989 Geography and resource analysis / 1
G74 .M67 1982 Relevance and ethics in geography / 1
G74 .N45 Statistical analysis for areal distributions / 1
G74 .N67 2012 Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing : geography and environmental sciences / 1
G74 .O36 49 On the utility of entropy maximization / 1
G74 .O36 50 The case for metropolitan jurisdictional consolidation in developing countries / 1
G74 .O36 51 Geography as a social science, recent American experience / 1
G74 .O36 56 An information theoretic model for the derivation of choropleth classes / 1
G74 .O36 59 Tax schedules in the ideal city : equilibrium versus optimality / 1
G74 .O36 60 The family planning program in Taiwan : did it make any difference? / 1
G74 .O36 61 Location and state in market societies / 1
G74 .S37 Evaluation in geography : a resource book for teachers / 1
G74 .T44 2009 Teaching college geography : a practical guide for graduate students and early career faculty / 1