Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
FACULTY PUB Huang | Law and popular culture : text, notes, and questions / | 2 |
FACULTY PUB Huang 2024 | Disrupting racism : essays by an Asian American prodigy professor / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 1998 | Dangers of monetary commensurability : a psychological game model of contagion / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 1999 | Herd behavior in designer genes / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2000 |
Corporate finance, corporate law and finance theory / Reasons within passions : emotions and intentions in property rights bargaining / A normative analysis of new financially engineered derivatives / |
3 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article (2001) | Securities price risks and financial derivative markets / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2002 | International environmental law and emotional rational choice / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2003 | Trust, guilt, and securities regulation / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2004 | Lawsuit abandonment options in possibly frivolous litigation games / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2005 | Moody investing and the Supreme Court : rethinking the materiality of information and the reasonableness of investors / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2008 |
Authentic happiness, self knowledge & legal policy / How do securities laws influence affect, happiness, & trust? / |
2 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2010 | Tort damages and the new science of happiness / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2014 | Torn between two selves : should law care more about experiencing selves or remembering selves? / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2015 |
The zombie lawyer apocalypse / How improving decision-making and mindfulness can improve legal ethics and professionalism / |
2 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Article 2018 | Boost : improving mindfulness, thinking, and diversity / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Book Review 2000 | Still preying on strategic reputation models of predation / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Huang Book Review 2013 | Book review / | 1 |
Agency, partnership, and the LLC : the law of unincorporated business enterprises : cases, materials, problems / Agency and partnership : cases, materials, and problems / Agency, partnership, and the LLC : selected statutes and form agreement / Agency, partnership, and the LLC : the law of unincorporated business enterprises : selected statutes and form agreements / Agency - partnership : cases and materials / Agency, partnership, and the LLC in a nutshell / Agency - partnership : cases and materials / Agency and partnership : selected statutes and form agreement / Agency and partnership : cases, materials, problems / |
23 |
FACULTY PUB Hynes/Loewenstein | Agency, partnership, and the LLC in a nutshell / | 1 |
FACULTY PUB Hynes no.7 | Restatement of the law, agency : preliminary draft / | 1 |