F2538.3 .C68 2000
Brazil in the new decade : searching for a future / |
1 |
F2538.3 .C83 2021
De Dilma a Bolsonaro : itinerario de la tragedia sociopolítica brasileña / |
1 |
F2538.3 .E8813 2018
Esquerda em transe = Left entranced / |
1 |
F2538.3 .F555 2011
Starting over : Brazil since 1985 / |
1 |
F2538.3 .G36 2019
Understanding contemporary Brazil / |
2 |
F2538.3 .G66 2016
Lula, el Partido de los Trabajadores y el dilema de gobernabilidad en Brasil / |
1 |
F2538.3 .G67 2013
Lula, the workers' party and the governability dilemma in Brazil / |
2 |
F2538.3 .H67 2021eb
A horizon of (im)possibilities : a chronicle of Brazil's conservative turn / |
1 |
F2538.3 H695 2015
Brazil The Disputed Rise of a Regional Power 2003-2015. |
1 |
F2538.3 .J67 1991
Que zorra, camarada! : Brasil novo, vento leste, nova república / |
1 |
F2538.3 .K43 2002
A última trincheira : arte, cultura e identidade nacional / |
1 |
F2538.3 L477 2010
Relations Internationales du Brésil, les Chemins de la Puissance (Volume II) Brazil's International Relations, Paths to Power - Aspects Régionaux et Thématiques, Regional and Thematic Focus. |
1 |
F2538.3 .M362 2021eb
Branding Brazil : transforming citizenship on screen / |
1 |
F2538.3 .M39 2008
The throes of democracy : Brazil since 1989 / |
1 |
F2538.3 .N63 2023
Limits of democracy : from the June 2013 uprisings in Brazil to the Bolsonaro government / |
1 |
F2538.3 .P27
Parcerias estratégicas |
1 |
F2538.3 .P29 1994
Podres poderes : um povo tão pobre num país tão rico / |
1 |
F2538.3 .P47 1991
Os tempos heróicos de Collor e Zélia : aventuras da modernidade e desventuras da ortodoxia / |
1 |
F2538.3 .P678 2023
Mirrors of whiteness : media, middle-class resentment, and the rise of the far right in Brazil / |
1 |
F2538.3 .R48
Revista brasileira de ciência política |
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