Call Number (LC) Title Results
F2161 .W48 1958 Famous pirates of the New World / 1
F2161 .W5 Pirate : rascals of the Spanish Main / 1
F2161 .W56 2007 The republic of pirates : being the true and surprising story of the Caribbean pirates and the man who brought them down / 1
F2161 ebook Piratería en el Caribe
El Caribe cimarrón y los corsarios de Cartagena en la época de la Independencia /
Las mujeres piratas : aventuras y leyendas del mar /
Historia de los bucaneros de América /
Los bucaneros de las Indias Occidentales en el siglo XVII /
Periplos ilustrados, piratas y ladrones por el Caribe colonial /
F2169 Caribbean Migrations The Legacies of Colonialism.
Reimagining the Caribbean : conversations among the Creole, English, French, and Spanish Caribbean /
Main currents in Caribbean thought : the historical evolution of Caribbean society in its ideological aspects, 1492-1900 /
Beyond coloniality : citizenship and freedom in the Caribbean intellectual tradition /
F2169 .A24 2015eb La isla encallada : el Caribe colombiano en el archipiélago del Caribe / 1
F2169 .A37 Africa and the Caribbean : the legacies of a link / 2
F2169 .A457 1990 The African-Caribbean connection : historical and cultural perspectives / 1
F2169 .A47 2009 The African-Caribbean worldview and the making of a Caribbean society / 1
F2169 .A47 2009eb African Caribbean Worldview and the Making of Caribbean Society : History, Biology, Culture. 1
F2169 .A77 2023 Caribes 2.0 : new media, globalization and the afterlives of disaster / 2
F2169 .B46 2004 The Caribbean : an intellectual history, 1774-2003 / 1
F2169 .B48 2009 Beyond borders : cross-culturalism and the Caribbean canon /
Beyond borders cross-culturalism and the Caribbean canon /
F2169 .B48 2009eb Beyond borders : cross-culturalism and the Caribbean canon / 1
F2169 .C354 2010 Caleidoscopios coloniales : transferencias culturales en el Caribe del siglo XIX = Kaléidoscopes coloniaux : transferts culturels dans les Caraïbes au XIXe siècle / 1
F2169 .C365 1985 Caribbean contours / 1
F2169 .C368 1999 Caribbean romances : the politics of regional representation / 1
F2169 .C3681 1997 The Caribbean(s) redefined. 1
F2169 .C377 2012 Crónicas caribeñas / 1
F2169 .C44 2006 Betwixt and between : explorations in an African-Caribbean mindscape / 1