Call Number (LC) Title Results
F158.67.B76 B87 2007 Walking Broad : looking for the heart of brotherly love / 1
F158.67.I33 P4 The Independence square neighborhood : historical notes on Independence and Washington squares, lower Chestnut street, and the insurance district along Walnut street, in Philadelphia, together with some account of the buildings, events, and personages of State house row / 1
F158.67.M34 L6 The Sesqui-centennial high street / 1
F158.68.A1 E43 2003 Living under South Street / 1
F158.68.C45 C66 1992 Suburb in the city : Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 1850-1990 / 2
F158.68.C47 .W55 2015 Ethnic renewal in Philadelphia's Chinatown : space, place, and struggle / 1
F 158.68 F2 H14 1869 Early history of the falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh navigation companies, Fairmount waterworks, etc., 1
F158.68.L58 Little Italy in the Great War : Philadelphia's Italians on the Battlefield and Home Front / 1
F158.68.L58 J84 1998 Building Little Italy : Philadelphia's Italians before mass migration / 1
F158.68.L58 J845 2020 Little Italy in the Great War : Philadelphia's Italians on the battlefield and home front / 1
F158.68.M68 P47 2014eb Making good neighbors : civil rights, liberalism, and integration in postwar Philadelphia / 1
F158.68.S58 D83 1996 South Philadelphia : mummers, memories, and the Melrose Diner / 2
F158.7 .E185 Portrait of a colonial city, Philadelphia, 1670-1838 / 1
F158.7 .M67 1998 Historic houses of Philadelphia : a tour of the region's museum homes / 1
F158.7 .U39 1984 Center city Philadelphia : the elements of style / 1
F158.8.C2 C19 Carpenters' hall, (Chestnut street, bet. 3rd and 4th,) and its historic memories. 1
F158.8.C2 C27 1961 Carpenters' Hall : Independence National Historical Park, Pennsylvania. 1
F158.8.C7 C66 1990 Congress Hall, Capitol of the United States, 1790-1800 : Independence National Historical Park, Pennsylvania / 1
F158.8.F67 D67 1998 Fort Mifflin of Philadelphia : an illustrated history / 1
F158.8.I3 The Liberty Bell /
Independence Hall in american memory