Call Number (LC) Title Results
F1528 .R67 1986 Nicaragua, unfinished revolution : the new Nicaragua reader / 3
F1528 .S25 1982 Sandinistas speak / 2
F1528 .S27 Sandinista prisons : a tool of intimidation. 1
F1528 .S34 1982 Dein Friede sei mein Friede : Geschichten von der Veränderung in Solentiname / 1
F1528 .S4 1992 A strange silence : the emergence of democracy in Nicaragua / 1
F1528 .S47 1989 Contra aid : summary and chronology of major congressional action 1981-1989 / 1
F1528 .S48 1989 Agony in the garden : a stranger in Central America / 2
F1528 .S54 2020 Sandinistas : a moral history / 1
F1528 .S58 1993 Nicaragua : self-determination and survival / 1
F1528 .S94 1987 Los cachorros andan sueltos / 1
F1528 .T5771 1986 Nicaragua, una nueva democracia en el tercer mundo / 1
F1528 .T581 1985 La primera gran conquista : la toma del poder polĂ­tico. 1
F1528 .T69 1990 Somoza's last stand : (Testimonies from Nicaragua) / 1
F1528 .T75 2017 Reagan's war on terrorism in Nicaragua : the outlaw state / 1
F1528 .T75 2017eb Reagan's war on terrorism in Nicaragua : the outlaw state / 1
F1528 .T76 1985 Lo que pasa en Nicaragua / 1
F1528 .T76 1987 Lo que pasa en Nicaragua / 1
F1528 .U6 1997 The undermining of the Sandinista Revolution / 2
F1528 .V36 1986 Revolution and foreign policy in Nicaragua / 1
F1528 .V56 1989 State, class, and ethnicity in Nicaragua : capitalist modernization and revolutionary change on the Atlantic Coast / 1