Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED477326 Roots of the Hawaiian Hotspot. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Exploration Grades 9-12 (Earth Science). Seismology and Geological Origins of the Hawaiian Islands. 1
ED477327 Designing Tools for Ocean Exploration. Galapagos Rifts Expedition Grades 9-12. Overview: Ocean Exploration. 1
ED477328 The Galapagos Spreading Center. Galapagos Rifts Expedition Grades 9-12. Mid-Ocean Ridges. 1
ED477329 Meet the Arctic Benthos. Arctic Ocean Exploration Grades 7-8. Benthic Invertebrate Groups in the Deep Arctic Ocean. 1
ED477330 Magic Words, Magic Brush The Art of William Butler and Jack Yeats. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities / 1
ED477331 Media Unit. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities 1
ED477332 Monsters. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities 1
ED477333 Mountains A Drama Exploration. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities / 1
ED477334 Mythology Across Time and Borders Online Workshop. ArtsEdge Curricula, Lessons and Activities / 1
ED477335 National Writing Project Annual Report, 2002 1
ED477336 Reading First Lessons from Successful State Reading Initiatives / 1
ED477337 Racism in African Children's Literature A Critique of Eric Campbell's "The Year of the Leopard Song." / 1
ED477338 Speaking Across the Curriculum An Annotated Bibliography of Resources by Topics / 1
ED477339 Reading and Writing the Romance Novel An Analysis of Romance Fiction and Its Place in the Community College Classroom / 1
ED477340 El Escritor y las Normas del Canon Literario 1
ED477341 Linguistic Discrimination A Sociolinguistic Perspective / 1
ED477342 Lessons about the Design of State Accountability Systems 1
ED477343 A Prospective Policy Evaluation of the Michigan Merit Award Program 1
ED477344 What Might Go Wrong with the Accountability Measures of the "No Child Left Behind Act"? 1
ED477345 School Boards Focus on School Performance, Not Money and Patronage / 1