Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD I16.33-22.D Preparation of teachers 1
EBD I16.33-23.D Vocational education in Geneva, Switzerland 1
EBD I16.33-24.D Dr. John de la Howe Industrial School, Willington, S.C 1
EBD I16.33-25.D Relating foreman programs to program for vocational education 1
EBD I16.33-26.D Time allotment to manual arts work 1
EBD I16.33-27.D Values of manual arts 1
EBD I16.33-28.D Grading in industrial schools and classes, with annotated general bibliography 1
EBD I16.34-1 News bulletin from U.S. Bureau of Education 1
EBD I16.34-2.1 to I16.34-2.5 American Education Week 1
EBD I16.34-3 For Fire-prevention Day, Oct. 9 or 10, 1921 1
EBD I16.35-1 to I16.35-46 Rural school leaflets of Education Office 1
EBD I16.35-1.D School consolidation and rural life 1
EBD I16.35-2.D Transportation of pupils at public expense 1
EBD I16.35-3.D Modern equipment for one-teacher schools 1
EBD I16.35-4.D Consolidation of schools in Maine and Connecticut 1
EBD I16.35-5.D How laws providing for distribution of State school funds affect consolidation 1
EBD I16.35-6.D Plan for organization of county system of agricultural instruction in elementary rural schools 1
EBD I16.35-7.D State aid to weak schools 1
EBD I16.35-8.D Essential features of laws concerning transportation of pupils 1
EBD I16.35-9.D Annotated list of official publications on consolidation of schools and transportation of pupils 1