Call Number (LC) Title Results
E449 .S8958 (Office) Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin: being a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institution. 1
E449 .S8959 A key to Uncle Tom's cabin presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work / 1
E449 .S8959 1853 A key to Uncle Tom's cabin : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work /
A key to Uncle Tom's cabin : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded : together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work /
E449 .S8963 1852 Uncle Tom in England the London times on Uncle Tom's cabin : a review from the London times of Friday, September 3d, 1852 : evils of slavery, method of its removal, danger of agitation, colonization, &c. 1
E449.S8968 A review of Uncle Tom's cabin; or, An essay on slavery. 1
E449 .S8968 A review of Uncle Tom's cabin or, An essay on slavery. 1
E449 .S898 1977 Patterns of antislavery among American Unitarians, 1831-1860 / 1
E449 .S911 A brief examination of Scripture testimony on the institution of slavery in an essay, first published in the Religious Herald, and republished by request: with remarks on a letter of Elder Galusha, of New York, to Dr. R. Fuller, of South Carolina / 1
E449 .S912 Scriptural and statistical views in favor of slavery / 1
E449 .S917 1999 Perfectionist politics : abolitionism and the religious tensions of American democracy / 1
E449.S926 B37 1986 Captain Charles Stuart, Anglo-American abolitionist / 1
E449 .S929 Conscience and the Constitution with remarks on the recent speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the subject of slavery./ 1
E449 .S929 1850i Conscience and the Constitution with remarks on the recent speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the subject of slavery / 1
E449 .S9293 A review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphlet on slavery, entitled Conscience and the Constitution,/ 1
E449 .S933 1972 The ideological origins of Black nationalism. 2
E449 .S954 1851 Speech of Mr. Pardee of Medina, on his amendment to the resolutions of Mr. Sutliff, on the unconstitutionality of the fugitive law - Governor's message &c. In Senate, January 16, & 17, 1851. 1
E449 .S957 1837i Anti-slavery manual containing a collection of facts and arguments on American slavery / 1
E449 .S957 1969 Anti slavery manual : containing a collection of facts and arguments on American slavery. 1
E449 .S958 1836i The testimony of God against slavery a collection of passages from the Bible, which show the sin of holding and treating the human species as property : with notes : to which is added the testimony of the civilized world against slavery / 1
E449 .S96 1864i The suppressed book about slavery! 1