E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/253-a
A random walk through models of nonlinear clustering |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/256-t
B and D mesons in lattice QCD |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/259-e
Soft and hard interactions in p {bar p} collisions at √s = 1800 and 630 GeV |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/260-e
PreFPIX2 Core architecture and results. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/261-e
Development of a low-cost extruded scintillator with co-extruded reflector for the MINOS experiment |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/262-e
The port card for the silicon vertex detector upgrade of the Collider Detector at Fermilab |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/263-e
Fast track triggering for the CDF II Detector |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/269-e
Search for SUSY with missing E{sub T} and jets at CDF |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/270-e
Search for second and third generation leptoquarks at CDF |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/272-e
Tevatron measurements related to CP violation |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/273-e
Some aspects of W/Z boson physics at Tevatron |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/274-e
Recent electroweak results from ν - N scattering at NuTeV |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/275-e
Physics potential and status of D-Zero upgrade at Fermilab |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/276-e
Jet fragmentation studies at Tevatron |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/278-t
Neutrino oscillation scenarios and GUT model predictions |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/279-t
Report of the Tevatron Higgs Working Group |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/281-e
Dijet production by double pomeron exchange at the Tevatron |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/283-e
Double diffraction dissociation in pbar p collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/285-e
The experiment road to the heavier quarks and other heavy objects |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-00/289-e
The underlying event in large transverse momentum charged jet and Z-boson production |
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