Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-980354-- Quality management in environmental programs Los Alamos National Laboratorỳs approach. 1
E 1.99:CONF-980355-- New experimental and analysis methods in I-DLTS 1
E 1.99: conf-980356-- Emergency destruction system for recovered chemical munitions
Aging and PBX 9502
Materials and performance evaluation of accelerated aged XTX8003
E 1.99:CONF-980356-- Pilot-scale pressurized base hydrolysis of HMX plastic-bonded explosives
Laser cutting of pressed explosives Revision 1.
Recent advances in the chemical conversion of energetic materials to higher value products
Laser cutting of energetic materials
E 1.99: conf-980357-- B physics at SLD B{sup +} and B{sub d}{sup 0} lifetimes, B{sub s}{sup 0} mixing and search for b {yields} sg decays. 1
E 1.99:CONF-980357-- Measuring the {anti u}/{anti d} asymmetry in the proton sea Fermilab E866.
B Physics at the Tevatron
SUSY searches at the Tevatron
Measurements of the W boson mass and trilinear gauge boson couplings at the Tevatron
Rare b decays, mixing and CP violation at Tevatron
Prompt photon results from the Tevatron
Inclusive jet cross section at the Tevatron
B decays into light mesons
Direct and indirect measurements of the W boson mass at Fermilab
The dijet differential cross section, M{sub jj} and α{sub s}
Three electroweak results from lattice QCD
Charmonium and charm decays from the Fermilab fixed target program
New phenomena results from CDF
The future collider physics program at Fermilab Run II and TeV33.
Measurement of the W Boson Production Asymmetry and W Boson Width at CDF
Top to charged higgs decays and top properties at the Tevatron
Duality after supersymmetry breaking
Strange sea and alpha {sub s} measurements from nu - N deep inelastic scattering at CCFR/NuTeV
Theoretical uncertainties associated with the extraction of M{sub W} at hadron colliders
E 1.99: conf-980359-- Femtosecond electron bunches
A beam timing monitor for the SLC final focus
Coherent far-infrared radiation from electron bunches
Measurements of longitudinal wakefields in the SLC Collider Arcs
Design of a PFN for the NLC klystron pulse modulator
Observations on tune and {beta} functions at the ATF Damping Ring
Accelerator physics highlights in the 1997/98 SLC run
E 1.99:CONF-980359-- The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Present status and future plans.
Synchrotron based spallation neutron source concepts
Performances of BNL high-intensity synchrotrons
E 1.99:CONF-980360-- Scientific progress on the Fenton Hill HDR project since 1983 1
E 1.99: conf-980362-- The Z accelerator as a source of > 100 kJ of x-rays above 4.8 keV 1
E 1.99:CONF-980363-- Age of the Harrison Street Beast Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra from tooth enamel. 1
E 1.99:CONF-980364-- Structure, composition, and strain profiling of Si/SiO₂ interfaces
X-ray photoemission electron microscopy for the study of semiconductor materials
E 1.99:CONF-980365-- Heavy particle atomic collisions in astrophysics Beyond H and He targets.
Recent experiments on near-threshold electron-impact excitation of multiply charged ions
Monte Carlo impurity transport modeling in the DIII-D transport
High gain x-ray lasers pumped by transient collisional excitation
E 1.99:CONF-980366-- Photoluminescence from gas-suspended nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation A pathway to optimized nanomaterials. 1
E 1.99:CONF-980367-- Adaptive heterogeneous multi-robot teams 1
E 1.99:CONF-980368-- An Investigation of Density Driven Salt Dissolution Techniques 1
E 1.99: conf-980369-- Towards quantifying mesoscale flows in the troposphere using Raman lidar and sondes 1
E 1.99:CONF-980369-- Comparison of millimeter-wave cloud radar measurements for the Fall 1997 Cloud IOP
Quantifying hydrometeor advection and the vertical distribution of cloud fraction over the SGP CART Site
E 1.99:CONF-980370-- Probabilistic life design of refractories for steel casting 1
E 1.99:CONF-980372-- Particle physics with kaons, muons and neutrinos. Summary of JHF K-Arena working groups 1a/1b
Hyperon particle physics at JHF
MEGA -- A search for μ {r_arrow} eγ
A perspective from the AGS
Overview of strangeness nuclear physics