Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT107.83 .W5 Middle East crisis / 1
DT107.83 .W66 1992 Nasser / 2
DT107.83 .W665 2006 After Suez : adrift in the American century / 1
DT107.83 .W9 Nasser of Egypt : the search for dignity / 1
DT107.83 .Z45 2018 Suez deconstructed : an interactive study in crisis, war, and peacemaking / 1
DT107.85 Hero of the crossing : how Anwar Sadat and the 1973 war changed the world / 1
DT107.85 .A228 1985 Sayyid Abū al-Najā maʻa hāulā 1
DT107.85 .A23 1982 Uṣūl al-mumarasah al-barlamānīyah / 1
DT107.85 .A24 1982 Wa-min al-nifāq mā qatal / 1
DT107.85 .A98 1994 Nasser and Sadat : decision making and foreign policy, 1970-1972 / 1
DT107.85 .B35 2015 Shining the boot of a nation : a portrait of Egypt after Nasser / 1
DT107.85 .B43 2000 Egypt during the Sadat years / 2
DT107.85 .B87 Egypt, the dilemmas of a nation, 1970-1977 / 2
DT107.85 .F37 Religious strife in Egypt. 1
DT107.85 .F37 1986 Religious strife in Egypt : crisis and ideological conflict in the seventies / 1
DT107.85 .F83 1985 Ṣināʻat al-jahl : kitāb fī al-siyāsah / 1
DT107.85 .H39 1983 Autumn of fury : the assassination of Sadat / 1
DT107.85 .H56 1985 Egyptian politics under Sadat : the post-populist development of an authoritarian-modernizing state / 1
DT107.85 .H57 1981 Sadat / 2
DT107.85 .K39 1984 Frogs and scorpions : Egypt, Sadat, and the media / 2