Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS36.88 .M345 2012 The Making of the Arab Intellectual : Empire, Public Sphere and the Colonial Coordinates of Selfhood. 1
DS36.88 .M345 2013 The making of the Arab intellectual empire, public sphere and the colonial coordinates of selfhood /
The making of the Arab intellectual : empire, public sphere and the colonial coordinates of selfhood /
DS36.88 .M8815 2004 al-Ḥadāthah wa-al-ḥadāthah al-ʻArabīyah : Muʼtamar Ishhār al-Muaʼssasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Taḥdīth al-Fikrī : muhdá ilá Idwārd Saʻīd, 30 Nīsān/Ibrīl - 2 Ayyār/Māyū 2004 / 1
DS36.88 .N284 2001 al-Fikr al-ʻArabī fī al-qarn al-ʻishrīn, 1950-2000 : dirāsah naqdīyah taḥlīlīyah fī thalāthat ajzāʼ / 1
DS36.88 .N288 2004 Zawāyā ḥarijah fī al-siyāsah wa-al-thaqāfah / 1
DS36.88 .N296 2003 Muslim mamālik meṉ Islāmiyat aur magẖribiyat kī kashmakash : jāʼizah, muḥāsibah, mashvarah / 1
DS36.88 .N39 1996 Miḥnat thaqāfah muzawwarah : ṣawt al-nās am ṣawt al-fuqahāʼ / 1
DS36.88 .N54 1997 Paradise lost : reflections on the struggle for authenticity in the Middle East / 1
DS36.88 .O86 2005 Suʼāl al-thaqāfah / 1
DS36.88 .P4713 1988 The raft of Mohammed : social and human consequences of the return to traditional religion in the Arab world / 1
DS36.88 .R67 2008 Varieties of Muslim experience : encounters with Arab political and cultural life / 1
DS36.88 .R67 2008eb Varieties of Muslim experience : encounters with Arab political and cultural life / 1
DS36.88 .S225 1984 The cultural identification and alienation of the Arab intelligentsia : a theoretical background and typological outline / 1
DS36.88 .S23 2010 Cultural encounters in the Arab world : on media, the modern and the everyday / 1
DS36.88 .S2368 2010 <>. 1
DS36.88 .S33 2001 The ontology and status of intellectuals in Arab academia and society / 1
DS36.88 .S335 2007 Mukhāḍāt al-ḥadāthah / 1
DS36.88 .S83 2007 Substance and attribute : Western and Islamic traditions in dialogue / 1
DS36.9.A1 M56 1999 Minorities and the state in the Arab world / 1
DS36.9.B4 Historical dictionary of the Bedouins /
Libyan Bedouin MT09.