Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS36.88 .A56 2000 al-Anṣārī wa-sūsyūlūjiyā al-azmah : thalāth wijhāt naẓar : dirāsāt ʻArabīyah mutabāyinat al-ruʼyah fī fikr Muḥammad Jābir al-Anṣārī / 1
DS36.88 .A72125 1999 al-Aydīyūlūjiyā al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah / 1
DS36.88 .A742835 2018 Arabic thought against the authoritarian age : towards an intellectual history of the present / 1
DS36.88 .A74284 2016 Arabic thought beyond the liberal age : towards an intellectual history of the Nahda / 2
DS36.88 .A98712 1998 Yaqẓat al-ummah al-ʻArabīyah / 1
DS36.88 .B36 1993 The Arab world : society, culture, and state / 1
DS36.88 .B36 1993eb The Arab world : society, culture, and state / 1
DS36.88 .B37 2007 al-Thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-ʻawlamah : dirāsah sūsiyūlūjīyah li-ārāʼ al-muthaqqafīn al-ʻArab / 1
DS36.88.B4 E13 1985 Bedouin / 1
DS36.88 .B68 1990 Trends and issues in contemporary Arab thought / 1
DS36.88 .B86 2000 Azmat al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir / 1
DS36.88 .C36 2015 The Cambridge Companion to Modern Arab Culture / 1
DS36.88 .C66 2011 A companion to Muslim cultures / 1
DS36.88 .F5413 1983 Modern Arab thought : channels of the French revolution to the Arab East / 2
DS36.88 .H357 2005 Pop culture Arab world! : media, arts, and lifestyle / 1
DS36.88 .H357 2007 Popular Culture in the Arab World : arts, politics, and the media / 1
DS36.88 .H373 2007 Ḥaṣād al-qarn : al-munjazāt al-ʻilmīyah wa-al-insānīyah fī al-qarn al-ʻishrīn / 1
DS36.88 .H555 2020 Utopia and civilisation in the Arab nahda /
Utopia and civilisation in the Arab Nahda /
DS36.88 .H588 2004 Ḥiwār al-ḥaḍārāt wa-al-mashhad al-thaqāfī al-ʻArabī / 1
DS36.88 .I57 1981 Intellectual life in the Arab East, 1890-1939 / 1