Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS36.77 .T38 2021 Islamism : global surveys and implications for the future of the Arab countries / 1
DS36.78 .C85 2019 Culture, time and publics in the Arab world : media, public space and temporality / 1
DS36.8 The new Cambridge history of Islam. eleventh to eighteenth centuries /
Islamic cultures and societies to the end of the eighteenth century /
DS36.8 .A333 2020eb Adab and Modernity : a Civilising Process? (Sixteenth-Twenty-First Century) / 1
DS36.8 .A5413 2006 The illusion of progress in the Arab world : a critique of Western misconstructions / 1
DS36.8 .A59 2006 The Arab diaspora : voices of an anguished scream / 1
DS36.8 .A59 2006eb The Arab diaspora : voices of an anguished scream / 1
DS36.8 .A69 Arabic sciences and philosophy a historical journal. 1
DS36.8 .A73 2002 Thaqāfatunā fī ḍawʼ al-tārīkh / 1
DS36.8 .A73 2019eb Arabic heritage in the post-Abbasid period / 1
DS36.8 .A74 1991 La pensée arabe / 1
DS36.8 .A77 1900z Li-mādhā taʼakhkhara al-Muslimūn wa-taqaddama ghayruhum? / 1
DS36.8 .A88 2001 ʻAn thaqāfat al-nahḍah : dirāsah fī qiyam al-ʻaql wa-al-rūḥ wa-al-nahḍah al-ijtimāʻīyah / 1
DS36.8 .A886 1997 Arab and Islamic studies : in honor of Marsden Jones / 1
DS36.8 .A96 1992 al-Aṣālah, aw, Siyāsat al-hurūb min al-wāqiʻ / 1
DS36.8 .B4413 Cultural expression in Arab society today = Langages arabes du présent / 1
DS36.8 .B888 1999 Khiṭāb fī al-hayʼah al-ijtimāʻīyah wa-al-muqābalah bayna al-ʻawāʼid al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Ifranjīyah / 1
DS36.8 .C43 2009 The challenge of pluralism : paradigms from Muslim contexts / 1
DS36.8 .C43 2009eb The challenge of pluralism : paradigms from Muslim contexts /
The challenge of pluralism paradigms from Muslim contexts /
DS36.8 .F67 2011 The new Cambridge history of Islam. 1