DS135.I9 A1716 1991
Uno su mille : cinque famiglie ebraiche durante il fascismo / |
1 |
DS135.I9 C274 1992
Un ebreo fra D'Annunzio e il sionismo : Raffaele Cantoni / |
1 |
DS135.I9 G648 2008
Friends for life : the story of a Holocaust survivor and his rescuers / |
1 |
DS135.I9 L48413 2022
Just a girl : a true story of World War II / |
1 |
DS135.I9 L485 1994
E ora dove vado? : storia di un'ebrea italiana / |
1 |
DS135.I9 M595 1997
The kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara / |
1 |
DS135.I9 M6
The American reaction to the Mortara case: 1858-1859. |
1 |
DS135.I9 N463 1997
The Neppi Modona diaries : reading Jewish survival through my Italian family / |
1 |
DS135.I9 S43713 2008
Memories of Jewish life : from Italy to Jerusalem, 1918-1960 / |
1 |
DS135.I9 S44 2020
Stories of Jewish life : Casale Monferrato-Rome-Jerusalem, 1876-1985 / |
1 |
DS135.I9 S45713 1987
Memoirs of a fortunate Jew : an Italian story / |
1 |
DS135.I9 S66713 2006
This has happened : an Italian family in Auschwitz / |
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DS135.I9 T44813 1992
There is a place on earth : a woman in Birkenau / |
1 |
Under the shadow of the rising sun : Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust era / |
2 |
DS135.J3 M4313 2016
Under the shadow of the rising sun : Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust era / |
1 |
DS135.J3 .M439 2024
Japan, the Jews, and Israel : Similarities and Contrasts / |
1 |
DS135.J3 P358 1999
Juden unter japanischer Herrschaft : jüdische Exilerfahrungen und der Sonderfall Karl Löwith / |
1 |
DS135.J3 P56 2024
Jews in Japan : presence and perception : antisemitism, philosemitism and international relations / |
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DS135.J3P56 2024
Jews in Japan : presence and perception : antisemitism, philosemitism and international relations / |
1 |
DS135.J3 S26 1998
Japanese diplomats and Jewish refugees : a World War II dilemma / |
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