Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK4188 .R46 1982 A Republic of nobles : studies in Polish history to 1864 / 1
DK4188 .S29 1851i Fall of Poland containing an analytical and a philosophical account of the causes which conspired in the ruin of that nation, together with a history of the country from its origin / 1
DK4188.2 .B37 Życie codzienne małego miasteczka w XVII i XVIII wieku / 1
DK4188.2 .H64 1988 Historia reform politycznych w dawnej Polsce / 1
DK4188.2 .M85 2023 Multicultural commonwealth : Poland-Lithuania and its afterlives / 1
DK4188.2.M85 2023 Multicultural commonwealth : Poland-Lithuania and its afterlives / 1
DK4190 .D55 1863 Opera omnia / 1
DK4190 .D58 1964 Ioannis Dlugossii Annales : seu, Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae. 1
DK4190 .M3713 2003 Gesta principum Polonorum = The deeds of the princes of the Poles / 1
DK4190 M3713 2003eb Deeds of the Princes of the Poles. 2
DK4190 .M3716 1968 Kronika polska / 1
DK4190 .M3716 1989 Kronika polska / 1
DK4200 .P33 2022 Common culture and the ideology of difference in medieval and contemporary Poland / 1
DK4200 .P64 1984 Polska Jana Długosza / 1
DK4200 .S69 Średniowiecze polskie i powszechne 1
DK4210 .S94 2021 Kierownictwo Badań nad Początkami Państwa Polskiego (1949-1953) : geneza, działalność, znaczenie / 1
DK4212 .G47 2018 Germans and Poles in the Middle Ages : the perception of the 'other' and the presence of mutual ethnic stereotypes in medieval narrative sources / 2
DK4212 .G5813 2012 The forgotten crusaders : Poland and the crusader movement in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries /
The Forgotten Crusaders : Poland and the Crusader Movement in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.
DK4212 .J3313 1985 Piast Poland / 1
DK4212 .J3713 1985 Piast Poland / 1