Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG848.1 (INTERNET) An exact historie of the late revolutions in Naples, and of their monstrous successes not to be parallel'd by any ancient or modern history /
The second part of Massaniello his body taken out of the town-ditch, and solemnly buried, with epitaphs upon him : a continuation of the tumult, the D. of Guise made generalissimo, taken prisoner by young Don John of Austria. The end of the commotions /
Parthenopoeia, or, The history of the most noble and renowned kingdom of Naples with the dominions therunto annexed and the lives of all their kings : the first part /
DG848.1 .M87 2000 L'Italia dei Viceré : integrazione e resistenza nel sistema imperiale spagnolo / 1
DG848.1 .N48 2013eb New approaches to Naples c.1500-c.1800 : the power of place / 1
DG848.1 .N49 2016 New approaches to Naples c. 1500-c. 1800 the power of place / 1
DG848.1 .S3 Tristano Caracciolo e la cultura napoletana della Rinascenza. 1
DG848.1 eBook El gobierno de las imágenes : ceremonial y mecenazgo en la Italia española de la segunda mitad del siglo XVII /
La mirada italiana : un relato visual del imperio español en la corte de sus virreyes en Nápoles (1600-1700) /
DG848.11 .P63 1947 Per la storia del regno di Ferrante I d'Aragona, re di Napoli. 1
DG848.112.S48 A4 2017 Duchess and hostage in Renaissance Naples : letters and orations / 1
DG848.115 .D33 La capitale ambigua : Napoli dal 1458 al 1580 / 1
DG848.115 .R9 The kingdom of Naples under Alfonso the Magnanimous : the making of a modern state / 2
DG848.115 .S34 Napoli aragonese. : Traffici e attività marinare / 1
DG848.12 .C65 Il regno di Napoli al tempo di Carlo V : amministrazione e vita economico-sociale. 1
DG848.12 .G66 1990 Good government in Spanish Naples / 1
DG848.12 .H47 1994 Castilla y Nápoles en el siglo XVI : el virrey Pedro de Toledo : linaje, estado y cultura (1532-1553) / 1
DG848.12 .M37 2011 Becoming Neapolitan : citizen culture in Baroque Naples / 2
DG848.12 .V49 1987 Il viceregno di Napoli e la lotta tra spagnoli e turchi nel Mediterraneo / 1
DG848.12 .V55 2012 Un sogno di libertà : Napoli nel declino di un impero, 1585-1648 / 1
DG848.12 .W37 1607 A Warning for England conteyning the horrible practises of the Kyng of Spayn in the kyngdom of Naples and the miseries wherunto that noble realme is brought : wherby all Englische men may vnderstand the plage that shall light apon them yf the Kynge of Spayn obteyne the dominion in England. 1
DG848.13 .D35313 2022 Masaniello : the life and afterlife of a Neapolitan revolutionary / 1
DG848.13 .G57 An exact history of the late revolutions in Naples and of their monstrous successes, not to be parallel'd by any antient or modern history /
An exact historie of the late revolutions in Naples and of their monstrous successes, not to be parallel'd by any antient or modern history /