Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA949 .W43 2019 Terrorists, anarchists, and republicans : the Genevans and the Irish in time of revolution / 1
DA949 .W464 1998 Fellowship of freedom : the United Irishmen and 1798 / 1
DA949 .W54 1998 Fellowship of freedom : the United Irishmen and 1798 / 1
DA949 .W55 1997 The sites of the 1798 rising in Antrim and Down / 1
DA949.5 A28 2001 Acts of Union : the causes, contexts, and consequences of the Acts of Union / 1
DA949.5 .B37 1896i Rise and fall of the Irish nation 1
DA949.5 .B6 The passing of the Irish Act of Union : a study in parliamentary politics / 1
DA949.5 .C37 1800i Speech of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlereagh, in the Irish House of Commons, Wednesday, February 5, 1800 on offering to the House certain resolutions, proposing and recommending a complete and entire union between Great Britain and Ireland. 1
DA949.5 .C49 1798i The speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, Monday, February 19, 1798, on a motion made by the Earl of Moira 1
DA949.5 .C5 1800i The speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare, Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by him, on Monday, February 10, 1800 "That in order to promote and secure the essential interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the strength, power, and resources of the British Empire, it will be advisable to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the two kingdoms, in such manner, and on such terms and conditions, as may be established by acts of the respective Parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland." 1
DA949.5 .G46 1999 The Irish Act of Union : a study in high politics, 1798-1801 / 1
DA949.5 .G73 1800i An answer to a pamphlet, entitled The speech of the Earl of Clare on the subject of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland 1
DA949.5 .I5 1970 A history of the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland. 2
DA949.5 .I5 1970i A history of the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland 1
DA949.5 .I75 2003 The Irish Act of Union, 1800 : bicentennial essays / 1
DA949.5 .M336 1996 The pamphlet debate on the Union between Great Britain and Ireland, 1797-1800 / 1
DA949.5 .M4 1799i Substance of the speech of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, in the House of Commons, Thursday, Feb. 7, 1799, on the subject of the legislative union with Ireland. 1
DA949.5 .P44 1799i The substance of the speech of Robert Peel, Esquire, in the House of Commons, on Thursday, the 14th of February, 1799 on the question for receiving the report of the committee on the resolutions respecting an incorporate union with Ireland : with a correct copy of the resolutions, as they were finally amended by the House of Commons. 1
DA949.5 .P58 1799i Speech of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, Thursday, January 31, 1799 on offering to the House the resolutions which he proposed as the basis of an union between Great Britain and Ireland. 1
DA949.5 .S5 1799i Substance of the speech of the Right Honourable Henry Addington, speaker of the House of Commons, on the 12th February 1799, in the Committee of the Whole House to whom His Majesty's most gracious message of the 22d January, relative to Ireland, was referred. 1