Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA47.65 .S64 1990 Soviet-British Relations since the 1970s / 1
DA47.65 .S76 2015 Exploring Russia in the Elizabethan commonwealth : the Muscovy Company and Giles Fletcher, the Elder (1546-1611) / 1
DA47.65 .U4 Anglo-Soviet relations, 1917-1921.
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 3 : the Anglo-Soviet Accord.
DA47.65 .W44 2018 The imperial tea party / 1
DA47.65 .W55 1989 Labour and Russia : the attitude of the Labour Party to the USSR, 1924-1934 / 1
DA47.67 (INTERNET) De vnione insulæ Britannicæ tractatus. 1 1
DA47.7 .A86 2003 Britain, Sweden and the Cold War, 1945-54 : understanding neutrality / 1
DA47.7 .D42 England gegen Skandinavien : eine Geschichte der britischen Uebergriffe gegen die nordischen Staaten / 1
DA47.7 .R62 British diplomacy and Swedish politics, 1758-1773 / 1
DA47.7.R62 DA47.7 British Diplomacy and Swedish Politics, 1758-1773. 2
DA47.7 .W65 2020 Privateering and diplomacy, 1793-1807 : Great Britain, Denmark-Norway and the question of neutral ports / 1
DA47.71 (INTERNET) The miraculous and happie vnion of England and Scotland by how admirable meanes it is effected; how profitable to both nations, and how free of inconuenience either past, present, or to be discerned. 1
DA47.8 The United Kingdom and Spain in the eighteenth century : beloved enemy /
Material and Symbolic Circulation between Spain and England, 1554--1604.
DA47.8 .C38 Inglaterra vista por los españoles. 1
DA47.8 C68 1596 An armor of proofe, brought from the tower of Dauid, to fight against Spannyardes, and all enimies of the trueth, / 1
DA47.8 .D86 2000 Britain and the Spanish anti-Franco opposition, 1940-1950 / 1
DA47.8 .E34 The British government and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 / 1
DA47.8 E5 The articles of alliance between England and Spain, signed the 10th day of June, 1680. Also articles of alliance between England and Holland, signed the 3d day of March 1677/8. 1
DA47.8 .E5 1597 A declaration of the iust causes moouing Her Maiestie to send a nauie, and armie to the seas, and toward Spaine
Declaration des iustes causes, qui ont meu sa Serenissime Maiesté de mettre sus vne armeé naualle pour enuoier vers l'Espagne
DA47.8 .F5 1937 The Financial relations between the Spanish government and Great Britain : three articles from the Financial news. 1