Call Number (LC) Title Results
D888.S65 G69 1989 Gorbachev's Third World dilemmas / 1
D888.S65 G69 2023 Gorbachev's Third World dilemmas / 1
D888.S65 H68 1986 The struggle for the Third World : Soviet debates and American options / 1
D888.S65 L55 1989 The Limits of Soviet power in the developing world / 1
D888.S65 P36 1985 Soviet perceptions of the developing world in the 1980s : the ideological basis / 1
D888.S65 P363 1987 Soviet policies toward the developing world during the 1980s : the dilemmas of power and presence / 1
D888.S65 P37 1983 The Pattern of Soviet conduct in the Third World / 1
D888.S65 R83 1988 Moscow's Third World strategy / 2
D888.S65 S24 1985 Soviet-Third World relations / 1
D888.S65 S63 1989 The Soviet bloc and the Third World : the political economy of East-South relations / 1
D888.S65 S63 2019 The Soviet bloc and the Third World : the political economy of East-South relations / 1
D888.S65 S64 1985 Soviet interests in the Third World / 1
D888.S65 S642 1989 The Soviet Union and the Third World / 1
D888.S65 S645 1987 The Soviet Union and the Third World : the last three decades / 1
D888.S65 S647 1987 The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and the Third World / 1
D888.S65 U7813 1988 The Third World and the Soviet Union / 2
D888.S65 U79 1990 The USSR and Marxist revolutions in the Third World / 1
D888.S65 W48 1986 The Soviet Union in the Third World : threat to world peace? / 1
D888.S8 H65 1988 Världen bortom västerlandet : svensk syn på fjärran länder och folk från 1700-talet till första världskriget / 1
D888.S8 H652 1994 Världen bortom västerlandet II : den svenska omvärldsbilden under mellankrigstiden / 1