D651.B8 I8
Les Bulgares devant le Congrès de la paix : documents historiques, ethnographiques et diplomatiques, avec quatre cartes en couleurs / |
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D651.B8 T69 2020
Britain, Bulgaria, and the Paris Peace Conference, 1918-1919 : a just and lasting peace? / |
1 |
D651.C4 C4 1919
China's claims at the peace table. |
1 |
D651.C4 C5 1919
The economic aspects of the Shantung question. |
1 |
D651.C8 ebook
Cuba en la paz de Versalles / |
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D651.C9 P2 1919d
Die tschechoslowakischen Denkschriften für die Friedenskonferenz von Paris, 1919-1920 : übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung hrsg / |
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D651.E3 A6 1919
Egyptian delegation to the Peace conference : collection of official correspondence from November 11, 1918, to July 14, 1919; twelve appendices containing verbatim transcriptions of official Egyptian reports, correspondence, depositions of victims and eye-witness, and photographs of atrocities committed by British troops in Egypt. |
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D651.F5 A15
Conditions physiques et économiques de la navigation rhénane / |
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D651.F5 L386 2008
Lorraine 1918 : de l'armistice à la reconstruction / |
1 |
D651.G3 B378 2003
Dolchstosslegenden und politische Desintegration : das Trauma der deutschen Niederlage im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914-1933 / |
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D651.G3 B4
Les nouvelles frontières d'Allemagne et la nouvelle carte d'Europe. |
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D651.G3 L63
Great Britain and Germany's lost colonies, 1914-1919 / |
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D651.G3 Q5
Der deutsche Pazifismus während des Weltkrieges 1914-1918 / |
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D651.G3 S73 2016
The stab-in-the-back myth and the fall of the Weimar Republic : a history in documents and visual sources / |
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D651.G8 K57
Propagande et pressions en politique internationale : la Grèce et ses revendications à la Conférence de la paix (1919-1920) |
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D651.G8 P4 1978
Greece at the Paris Peace Conference (1919) / |
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D651.H7 B57 1938i
Why the Treaty of Trianon is void |
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D651.H7 C37
Critical remarks on the new frontiers of Hungary : annex 1. of note XXII. presented to the Peace conference / |
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D651.H7 D3713
The tragic fate of Hungary : a country carved-up alive at Trianon / |
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D651.H7 D4
Hungary at the Paris Peace Conference : the diplomatic history of the Treaty of Trianon / |
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