D642 .K6
Urkunden zum friedensvertrage von Versailles vom 28. juni 1919 / |
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D642 .L49 1919
League of Nations : speech of Hon. Jas. Hamilton Lewis of Illinois, in the Senate of the United States, Monday, February 24, 1919, on proposed constitution of a League of Nations for Peace, replying to addresses of Mr. Borah, of Idaho, Mr. Reed, of Missouri, and Mr. Lodge of Massachusetts. |
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D642 .L68 2010
La fabrique de la paix : du Comité d'études à la Conférence de la Paix, l'élaboration par la France des traités de la Première Guerre mondiale / |
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D642 .M36
The armistices of 1918 / |
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D642 .M67 2022
Nationale Geschichtspolitik : Der Versailler Friedensvertrag in der 100-jährigen Erinnerung in Schulbüchern aus vier Nationen / |
2 |
D642 .P3 1919c
Les délibérations du Conseil des quatre, 24 mars-28 juin 1919.̋ |
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D642 .P3 1920
The deliberations of the Council of Four (March 24-June 28, 1919) / |
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D642 .P313 1919
Paris Peace Conference, 1919 : proceedings of the council of Four, March 24-April 18 / |
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D642 .W45 1923
Woodrow Wilson's case for the League of Nations / |
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D642.W6 D384 2015
Le traité de Versailles et la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale : Chronique d'une paix manquée / |
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D643 .A2 1923
The treaties of peace, 1919-1923. |
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D643.A6 F8 1919a
Le traité de paix. |
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Politics and diplomacy of peacemaking : containment and counterrevolution at Versailles, 1918-1919 / |
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D643 .A7
Britain, France and Germany and the Treaty of Versailles : the Failure of Long Term Peace. |
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D643.A7 B28 1945a
Woodrow Wilson and the great betrayal / |
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D643.A7 B3
Woodrow Wilson and the lost peace / |
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D643.A7 B3 1963
Woodrow Wilson and the lost peace / |
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D643.A7 B5
Versailles twenty years after / |
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D643.A7 B5 1962
Versailles twenty years after. |
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D643.A7 B65x
L'article 231 du Traite de Versailles : sa genèse et sa signification / |
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