Call Number (LC) Title Results
D608 .G35 2016 The French army's tank force and armoured warfare in the Great War : the Artillerie Spéciale / 1
D608 .W54 1989 Treat 'em rough : the birth of American armor, 1917-20 / 1
D608.6.G7 D76 2021 Geographies of commemoration in a digital world : Anzac @ 100 / 1
D608.6.U6 C63 2007 Decorated marines of the Fourth Brigade in World War I / 1
D609.A2 B47 2009 Before my helpless sight : suffering, dying and military medicine on the Western Front, 1914-1918 / 1
D609.A2 B474 2016 Before my helpless sight suffering, dying and military medicine on the Western Front, 1914-1918 / 1
D609.A6 B67 Die Gefallenen Tirols, 1914-1918 und 1939-1945. Zur 150-Jahr-Feier 1809-1959. 1
D609.A9 N66 2014 Those we forget : recounting Australian casualties of the First World War / 1
D609.C2 S664 1917 Somewhere in France : forty-two crosses have been erected to mark the graves of members of the International Typographical Union killed in the war. 1
D609.F8 D76 2006 Villemandeur dans la Grande guerre : un village du Loiret dans nos mémoires (1914-1918) / 1
D609.F8 R67 2007 Aux enfants de Murat morts pour la France : guerre 1914-1918 / 1
D609.G3 R4 1932 Die jüdischen Gefallenen des deutschen Heeres, der deutschen Marine und der deutschen Schutztruppen, 1914-1918 ; ein Gedenkbuch / 1
D609.G3 R4 1933 Die jüdischen Gefallenen des deutschen Heeres, der deutschen Marine und der deutschen Schutztruppen, 1914-1918 : ein Gedenkbuch / 1
D609.G7 D38 1995 Bloody red tabs : general officer casualties of the Great War 1914-1918 / 1
D609.G7 S73 2014 Huddersfield's roll of honour, 1914-1922 / 1
D609.I6 H46 2007 Forgotten heroes : Galway soldiers of the Great War, 1914-1918 / 1
D609.U6 A5 1918b Officers and enlisted men of the United States Navy who lost their lives during the World War, from April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918. 1
D609.U6 C5 1920a Soldiers all : portraits and sketches of the men of the A. E. F. / 1
D609.U6 S6 Soldiers of the great war ... / 1
D609.U6 S8 Heroes all! : A compendium of the names and official citations of the soldiers and citizens of the United States and of her allies who were decorated by the American government for exceptional heroism and conspicuous service above and beyond the call of duty in the war with Germany, 1917-1919 / 1