Call Number (LC) Title Results
D16.2 H21 1985 Handbuch der Geschichtsdidaktik / 1
D16.2 .H23 1972 Handbook for history teachers / 1
D16.2 .H23 2021 Handbook for history teachers / 1
D16.2 .H27513 2018 Toward creation of a new world history = Atarashii sekaishi e / 1
D16.2 .H3 The teaching of history / 1
D16.2 .H33 The doing of history : a practical use of the library-college concept / 2
D16.2 .H36 Ideological commitment and historical interpretation : an inaugural lecture delivered at University College, Cardiff, 26th November, 1968. 1
D16.2 .H4 1966 How to find out in history : a guide to sources of information for all. 1
D16.2 .H4 nos. 9-11 The period of congresses / 1
D16.2 .H557 2013 History Education and Post-Conflict Reconciliation : Reconsidering Joint Textbook Projects / 1
D16.2 .H557 2013eb History education and post-conflict reconciliation : reconsidering joint textbook projects / 1
D16.2 .H57 History teaching and historical understanding / 1
D16.2 .H68 1981 The lessons of history : an inaugural lecture delivered before the Vice-Chancellor and Fellows of the University of Oxford on Friday 6 March 1981 / 1
D16.2 .H87 2003 Understanding history teaching / 1
D16.2 .I56 2023 L'insegnamento della storia oggi : didattica e storiografia per le scuole superiori / 1
D16.2 .I575 1995eb International yearbook of history education / 1
D16.2 .I58 1998 International review of history education. 1
D16.2 .I62 Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichtsunterricht
Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichts- und Geographie-Unterricht
Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichtsunterricht.
D16.2 .I88 2000eb Issues in history teaching 1
D16.2 .I88 2002eb Issues in history teaching / 1