Call Number (LC) Title Results
D1060 .T47 2004 Europe : a year of living dangerously / 2
D1060 .T66 2001 The Europeanisation of national foreign policy : Dutch, Danish and Irish foreign policy in the European Union / 1
D1060 .T667 2017 The Europeanisation of National Foreign Policy: Dutch, Danish and Irish Foreign Policy in the European Union : Dutch, Danish and Irish Foreign Policy in the European Union. 1
D1060 .U47 1998 The Union and the world : the political economy of a common European foreign policy / 1
D1060 .V37 Twentieth-century Europe : paths to unity / 1
D1060 .V48 L'Italia nel mondo futuro / 1
D1060 .V48x Ventunesimo secolo 1
D1060 .V57 1996 Visions of European unity / 1
D1060 .V57 2018 Visions of European unity / 1
D1060 -- W37 2013eb Histoire du conseil de l'europe. 1
D1060 .W377 2013eb History of the Council of Europe / 1
D1060 .W43 2007 Pioneers of European integration and peace, 1945-1963 : a brief history with documents / 1
D1060 .W57 1989 After 1992 : the United States of Europe / 2
D1060 .W57 1991 After 1992 : the United States of Europe / 1
D1060 .W57 1993 The United States of Europe / 1
D1060 .W57 1994 The United States of Europe / 2
D1060 .W695 1998 Europ?aische Union. 1
D1060 .Y68 1984 Britain, France, and the unity of Europe, 1945-1951 / 2
D1060 .Z8 1958 The struggle to unite Europe, 1940-1958 ; an historical account of the development of the contemporary European movement from its origin in the Pan-European Union to the drafting of the treaties for Euratom and the European Common Market. 1
D1060 .Z8 1958i The struggle to unite Europe, 1940-1958 an historical account of the development of the contemporary European movement from its origin in the Pan-European Union to the drafting of the treaties for Euratom and the European Common Market / 1