Call Number (LC) Title Results
D1060 .M354 2015 Malé státy v EU : případ České republiky / 1
D1060 .M37 1993 Oltre Maastricht : il futuro dell'Unione europea e i nuovi paesi dell'Est / 1
D1060 .M45 2005 The member states of the European Union / 1
D1060 .M45 2020 The member states of the European Union / 1
D1060 .N47 2000 Geburtshelfer Europas? : die Rolle der Vereinigten Staaten im europäischen Integrationsprozess 1945-1958 / 1
D1060 .N53 2001 Die europäische Idee--aus dem Geist des Widerstands / 1
D1060 .O96 2017 Contemporary Europe / 1
D1060 .P37 1998 Paradoxes of European foreign policy / 1
D1060 .P384 1977 Paneuropa oder Mitteleuropa : Einigungsbestrebungen im Kalkül deutscher Wirtschaft und Politik 1925-1933. 1
D1060 .P5 Europe against de Gaulle. 1
D1060 .P515 2007 The European Union : a very short introduction. 1
D1060 P515 2013 The European Union : a very short introduction / 1
D1060 .P517 2005 The major nation-states in the European Union / 1
D1060 .P65 1998 Political symbols, symbolic politics : European identities in transformation / 1
D1060 .P65 1998x Political symbols, symbolic politics : European identities in transformation / 1
D1060 .R43 1998 Regieren in entgrenzten Räumen / 1
D1060 .R46 2004 The United States of Europe : the new superpower and the end of American supremacy / 2
D1060 .S26 1995 The Future of Europe and the Commission's role : in praise of the Community Method / 1
D1060 .S316 European union : from Hitler to de Gaulle / 1
D1060 .S55 Europe's political puzzle : a study of the Fouchet negotiations and the 1963 veto. 1