Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 214.9/6:3-28 Tri-MEF standing operating procedures for field intelligence operations. 1
D 214.9/6:3-34 Field antenna handbook. 1
D 214.9/6:4-17 Intermodal containerization in the MAGTF. 1
D 214.9/6:4-26 Enemy prisoners of war and civilian internees. 1
D 214.9/6:4-52 First aid. 1
D 214.9/6:5-31/V.- Multiservice helicopter external air transport : dual-point load rigging procedures. 1
D 214.9/6:5-71 MAGTF aviation planning documents. 1
D 214.9/6:6-17 Combat service support for artillery units. 1
D 214.9/6:7-14 A The Individual's guide for understanding and surviving terrorism. 1
D 214.9/6:7-23 Small-unit leader's guide to cold weather operations. 1
D 214.9/6:7-24 Commander's guide to cold weather operations. 1
D 214.9/6:7-25 Instructor's guide to combat skiing. 1
D 214.9/6:12-1 Surprise / 1
D 214.9/6:12-2 Infantry in battle. 1
D 214.9/6:12-6 Commentary on infantry operations and weapons usage in Korea : winter of 1950-51 / 1
D 214.9/6:12-9 Jungle warfare. 1
D 214.9/6:12-10- The amphibians came to conquer : the story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner / 1
D 214.9/6:12-11 German tactical doctrine / 1
D 214.9/6:12-12/v.1- The History of the Medical Department of the United States Navy in World War II. 1
D 214.9/6:12-13 Maneuver in war. 1