Call Number (LC) Title Results
CT21 .C37 1986 Género biográfico y conocimiento antropológico : discurso leído el día 15 de junio de 1986, en su recepción pública / 1
CT21 .C48 1993 Writing lives is the Devil : essays of a biographer at work / 2
CT21 .C55 Biography as an art : selected criticism, 1560-1960. 1
CT21 .C553 From puzzles to portraits; problems of a literary biographer,
From puzzles to portraits : problems of a literary biographer /
CT21 .C58 Truth to life : the art of biography in the nineteenth century / 1
CT21 .C58 1974b Truth to life : the art of biography in the nineteenth century / 1
CT21 .C65 2002 In quella parte del libro de la mia memoria : verità e finzioni dell'"io" autobiografico / 1
CT21 .C69 1985 The Craft of literary biography / 2
CT21 .C7 Biography / 1
CT21 .D53 2020 Different lives : global perspectives on biography in public cultures and societies / 2
CT21 .D68 2014 The impossible craft : literary biography / 1
CT21 .D69 2023 Children and biography : reading and writing life stories / 1
CT21 .D8 English biography / 1
CT21 .E2155 2006 Well-dressed role models : the portrayal of women in biographies for children / 1
CT21 .E24 The age of the archive. 1
CT21 .E3 1957 Literary biography. 1
CT21 .E3 1957a Literary biography. 1
CT21 .E3 1973 Literary biography. 1
CT21 .E33 1984 Writing lives : principia biographica / 1
CT21 .E37 2012 Écrire des vies : Espagne, France, Italie, XVe-XVIIIe siècle / 1