Call Number (LC) Title Results
CRS-2002-DSP-0030 Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries Medicaid and State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0031 Higher Education Tax Credits Targeting, Value, and Interaction with Other Federal Student Aid. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0032 Medicaid Eligibility for the Aged and Disabled. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0033 Border Security U.S.-Canada Border Issues. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0034 Child Welfare and TANF Implementation Recent Findings. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0035 Davis-Bacon Act Coverage and the State Revolving Fund Program Under the Clean Water Act 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0036 Dietary Supplements Legislative and Regulatory Status. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0037 Social Security Reform Individual Account Proposals. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0038 TANF Reauthorization Side-by-Side Comparison of Current Law and Two Versions of H.R. 4737. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0039 TANF Brief Comparison of Reauthorization Bills. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0040 Long-Term Care Facts on Adult Day Care. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0041 WorldCom The Accounting Scandal. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0042 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Children A Fact Sheet. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0043 Comparative Analysis of the Immigration Functions in the Major Homeland Security Bills 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0044 Prescription Drug User Fee Act Structure and Reauthorization Issues. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0045 Child Care State Programs Under the Child Care and Development Fund. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0046 Medicaid, SCHIP, and Other Health Provisions in H.R. 4954 The Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002, and S. 3018: The Beneficiary Access to Care and Medicare Equity Act of 2002. 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0047 Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0048 Major Medicare Provisions of H.R. 4954, As Passed by the House, and S. 3018 1
CRS-2002-DSP-0049 Medicare's Home Health Benefit The Fifteen Percent Payment Cut. 1